This thread 404'd by the time i was able to get back online - what happened?

this thread 404'd by the time i was able to get back online - what happened?
did OP deliver?
or was it just a bunch of bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:


is that real?

still got the link? ill see if i can find the archive




Op got mad bc every1 was calling Bullshit and left

looks like OP delivered, i wouldn't recommend clicking that link though, looks super fishy

hrmph, so is it bullshit? is there another thread about this?

no idea, if you look hard enough in the archive there was a link posted with tons of replies. it might have been a torrent or some shit. that's all the digging im willing to do


Yeah the link is most likely to be a virus

and the tons of replies probably OP samefagging.


did anybody download that?
screencap maybe?


also is anyone here brave enough i just got a new pc, dont wanna risk any shady urls

you have just proven to be the uber newfag, the ruler of all newfags.

ok you go ahead and click it then

Imma fire up my VM and look where the link takes me...

Its a torrent of the film
Gorilla interrupted - How not to make a movie
Screencap is from that

screenshots and webms pls

its a link to an archive of Sup Forums cunt (
the link the upper link leads to is the dangerous one

then obviously the dangerous link was the one i was talking about

also checked


Give me a minute to dl this thing...

which screencap?

o rly?


Can confirm - it leads to "Gorilla interrupted". OP has proven to be a faggot once again

but is that what the original OP pic is from??

Idk. I honestly dont want to watch a 2 hour B-Movie just to find out. Reverse image search didnt bring up any results. Might be from the film, could be from a snuff film - proves that OP was lying

Thanks for bringing closure to everyone, user

but nothing''s been verified