Pokemon that are literally you

Pokemon that are literally you

I feel like it's the same OP that keeps making all the "Literally Me" threads

Literally me

Literally me

Becuz im one of a kind rawrrrr lulz

not even a pokemon faggot


Literally kill yourself

Trubbish. Because I'm literally trash.

literally me, i'm a mistake

Literally me.

I have a god complex...

I honestly wouldn't be shocked if this was the same dude that I have seen post these threads for like 2 years.

literally me

That's not a Pokemon you fucking idiot. That's clearly a Bakugan.

I choose this one!

Because I'm dead on the inside


>You don't know what a level 99 Pidgey looks like.

>Filaname: Poliwhirl
>Actually a Haunter
Shiggy diggy

cause i'm a creep

Blue Balls Cool-Dragon. He's my favorite pocket slave!

I flushed one of these down the shitter yesterday.


not shit, sherlock

literally me


Literally me

Solid reference, Sup Forumsro.





it's a gastly?

Well.... This is figuratively me....
NOT literally me...

This fuckin thing.

oh shutup

literally my

Ohhh mama

check these

Check u momo

I like drugs



Faggot do you even know what literally means.

how did the b8 taste?

Everyone choose me

like dick. I would know because I tasted quite a few myself. dicks that is. of course.

ITT: people who misunderstand "literal"


this is me



that's where you can read, right?