Equestrian team jumping final

Medals coming up

first for choking

Who is looking likely for Gold?

The horse.


Are many horses likely to crash? I will watch and maybe make webms if that happens

Nah, cross country is where the wipeouts are at


So I should stick the women's waterpolo is what you're saying?

Aussies, Germany, New Zealand, France

Not enough falls.
Bars should be bolted in.

This is pretty fun watching with no idea what's going on

do they drug test the horses?


pity I wanted to see a roided up horse

Shitty horse, ruining our team chances already.

if you ever get close to the horses their veins are bulging out. they're beasts

off to the glue factory

What an absolute disaster that was.

Come post in the other thread goons

Just tuned in lads, anything significant happen yet?

this was made earlier