I recently saw It Follows and The Witch. Recommend me some other decent contemporary horros

I recently saw It Follows and The Witch. Recommend me some other decent contemporary horros.

Goodnight Mommy

The Innkeepers

How awesome is that poster?

Better than the movie, that's for sure

Finish the triad w The Babadook

Watch: Starry Eyes, House of the Devil
Avoid: Babadook

The Guest




Babadook is the obvious closer for 'meaningful' horror.

But i've also enjoyed Mama and The Conjuring lately - both are more typical than the ones you listed, have jump scares and no real symbolism - but they are decent all the same.


No, you! It's a very good film. Resonant, existential horror, at least for those of us of age to have children.

Post one, cunt.

>Avoid: Babadook
Agreed. This movie was thrash.

this, all i wanted was an actually scary slasher wtf

The Babadook is a great film, but horror is extremely subjective - so you have to expect that any one which gets a lot of praise and attention here is going to be exposed to a great number of people who genuinely didn't like it.

There isn't really a discussion to be had, seen as you can't make someone find it good or bad.

Top tier movie, but how is it horror?

That poster is a complete ripoff. Someone call Caroline B. Cooney.

Let the Right One In

You are joking right?

Funny Games US
Director said it was supposed to be a criticism of horror movies but you can watch it as one


Also a girl walks home alone at night