Judge anons by the three champs they play the most

judge anons by the three champs they play the most

inb4 league is a shit game

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League.is.not a good.game

here's mine.

i think... i may hate you

He said inb4 so you need to take that back right now.


Not at my pc but I think mine are fiddlesticks, singed, and veigar

Yasuo, yasuo and yasuo

I know


i'd hate playing against you



I'm fucking boosted


Almost lvl 7 Xin too, just one more to go.

I also have 2 S tokens for Sona, but alas no blue shit.


good shit good shit
just carried with this little bastard kek

nicee, I've been thinking of picking xin up again

the blue shit is hard to come by lmao

but we'd get along




You could say i like ekko..

308k? holy shit

>bronze 2
likes ekko but still not lvl 7


Not on pc, but vayne 1st, lucian 2nd and udyr 3, mastery 7 all


yeah don't have enough blue essence or whatever.

my favorite build with him is simple

>Swifty boots
>Rabadabadingdongs hat

With his Q W after these items you can get 2.5 attack speed and destroy your opponents
I do take %100 attack speed masteries with him though
>+%41 attack speed



you can buy mystery hextech champ shards in the store for like 1700 IP a piece, go get that rank 7 breh


i also have jinx and yorick at 450k+ but they are level 5 I don't play them as much as I used to since the level 6 + 7 update.

Sry bronzecuck, the most viable build is bloodrazor
Mr/armor boot depending

You will never get high elo if you keep getting damage items instead of defense items, that's the biggest problems with you low elo fags.

thanks bro, u just saved me so much pain

r8 my skins : - )

65% ranked win rate with Jinx by the way

I don't feel like signing in.
1. Talon lvl 7
2. Zed lvl 6
3. Yasuo lvl 6

No one is stopping you from playing your boring ass cookie cutter waifu/high school simulators. See yourself out you negative mother fucker.

I have 80% with lucian, so

oh you main yasuo, how... original...


to be fair, pretty much everyone in bronze mains yasuo

true af


yorick, malz and twitch.

Not looking forward to the yorick rework going live.

support only :)

Silver II with 80 wins but same thing I guess

that yorick remake, from 0 to hero

Tbh, if they left his kit alone and just gave him the VU I think I'd like Yorick more. I just really don't like the way he looks right now

lol my top 3 are some real gems
Twisted Fate used to be nautalis but i had a week where i binged played TF


I wouldn't disagree, but I don't play ranked a lot. I pref solo normies and like to blow people the fuck up.

Boring as fuck. Why only play the useless/easy to play roll?

So how small is that dick, boy? Cus god damn that's some hardcore compensation.

what you mean bro?

all the tokens for level 7 rengar but dont have enough blue ess. and i have enough tokens for level 6 kha.

main got banned, the person who gave me this acc was a fizz main.



I also jungle etc but my main champs all support

Just have respect for support mains. Pain in the ass role to main IMO.

Yet another dumb af nig who needs to see

Only been playing for about 3-4 months. Don't hate me, please.

For what, playing the champions I find fun? I play assassins, sorry i'm not an autistic neckbeard who mains sup champions.

>Boring as fuck

Are you high? Support is the reason you win you useless cock.
>Requires knowing when to roam / place wards
>Requires getting skill shots all the fucking time
>ADC just farms

Man you fucking dumb

Same. His new kit looks like a bunch of other people's kits rolled together.

this guy knows. This guys appreciates supports

Fuck you and fuck shen

Oh, sorry, did I hit a sensitive spot, there? Damn, that's gotta suck.

maybe i dont have the fucking ip for that shit you kike. only have like 15 champions and i'm not wasting ip on stupid emotes when i need runes and more champs.

like i said, main got banned.

im going to grocery store and then be online all day, add if you want:

name: aadjee

and lets rape some enemies

You are fucking useless. When i play Talon, i'm the one who roams bot after I slaughter mid to save your lost lane. Supports are useless as fuck. If I have to sup, I still play an assassin and carry the team.

Protip; don't be a cancerous fuckstain and maybe you won't get banned, but keep being assblasted it doesn't mean much to me

Nigger you think i have real money?

nice dude you must be a crazy good silver 4 player who carries every game and only loses games because of trolls or afks

IP isn't RP you fucktard. You get IP from playing the game

lol i fucking came here just to see some anons top 3's and then i forgot its the fucking league community

Oooh, the edge, it tastes so full of a n g e r

perm banned for first offense after i called someone a nigger. im not even that toxic, literally never had a chat restriction in my 2 years of playing

im doing my part

Get that boring/ugly af game out of here.

Do you guys mean you would prefer his old kit with a VU, or have his old kit stay the same but tweaked, I personally like his rework and think it actually gives him a chance to actually be viable like Taric now.

More accurate summary of champs i am willing to play in ranked.

New account that I made a month back, Bard is my love.

I'm talking old kit with the VU personally.


Cringe ur bad summerfag

Well if that's the case I'd rather spend it on unlocking champs than rolling random shit and wasting my IP.

>TFW all the champs in that picture require at least some level of mechanical skill to play well.
Fuck off niglet.


I get what you mean, but it really is the easiest way to get the blue essence for the rank 6/7 emblem. Plus you always have the chance of getting champs you don't own currently for way cheaper.

Computer broke, but mine are:


Only champs that are actually difficult are, yasuo, gp, and azir. Everything else easy af

Pick one not both


He is a hard champ to get gud with. Very easy to fuck up and just feed. Skillll I usually beat yas in lane cuz most of them don't know how to play him.

His current kit still works. I'm just not sure anyone actually realises aside from the small handful of people who play him.

his kit is annoying as fuck. easy to play but just cancer to play against, his lategame is shit, his ult is a shit bastardized zilean/morde ult. easy as fuck to play, especially in lane, but offers literally nothing after 10 minutes beyond just a 3 second revive on a carry.
sure you might be able to snowball a few games but he's a terrible champion and has been forever. its not like you're in on a secret that no one knows, you're trying to force a champion that is beyond irrelevant


Spiderman, where are you when I need you?