What the hell is on my inner thigh? Is this a pimple?!

What the hell is on my inner thigh? Is this a pimple?!

A Cyste, harmless

A cyst. Lance it and post a juicy webm, faggot.

How can I remove it?

BS That's a wart!

Oh boy, you're going to die soon.

It's either a small cyst or a large ingrown hair. Either way, take a video of the thing when it explodes.

Ingrown hair, it goes away with time.

Rubbing alcohol, razor blade and squeeze.

Just look up cyst removals on youtube.

I noticed it yesterday after the gym, maybe a blister from running?

No. It's a cyst. It comes from clogged pores. You're all good.

Definitely a cyst or ingrown hair. Pop it and post.

Im temped. Pain is temporary anyways.

just fucking leave it alone , it will go away

Small cyst or ingrown hair. Best to be left alone, but I always fuck with mine. Best messed with after a while.


spread the cheesy puss filled goodness everywhere.

Smells kinda like devilled eggs.

do it

Looks too juicy NOT to pop

burst it faggot

Don't pop it... That's where it's painful and you fuck your skin up.

Get a needle, heat it over flame, let it cool, wipe it with an iso or antiseptic, then pierce the cyst, into it to the base.

Then squeeze megassai.

Is it a little painful, like a real big pimple? In grown hair. Had one in the same spot that I numbed with ice and pinched to death. Seeing the actual hair coiled up inside was gross. But not as gross a s it'll be for you because you're much more disgusting looking than me.

Good luck!

Thanks for the advice. Im definetly going to also shave all that area.

If you pop it you might end up like this.

You got a cyst because you're brown and hairy which, in the real world means you're dirty and have no future.

Please stop tainting the internet with pictures of yourself. Decent people come here to get away from a world full of subhumans like yourself.

Is that a rotten avocado?

I actually probably make more money than you soooooo.

Careful with that, shaving leads to ingrown hairs if you don't clean properly.

Which turn to cysts.

And the circle continues.

how's the call center rajit

It's gross.
Be ashamed.
Take post down,
Play in traffic.

ingrown hair

I don't know.
Maybe you should taste it and tell us does it taste like avocado.

Made me chuckle. Thank you.

>gym lol yeah looks like you're going to gym
It's chafe from your fat thighs rubbing together. Tends to happen to fat people and women.
>I'm a doctor.

lol a grown man being a pussy for a fucking, insignificant pimple

You can come suck it out for me ;)