Who would win in a real life 1v1 fight to the death?

who would win in a real life 1v1 fight to the death?
there's only one rule: no weapons

rock bottom

the rock
Vin is too cocky, and manlet

I'd say the rock, no one can beat the people's elbow

I. They are two big pussy

the dark mulatto



Lets see... One grew up playing sports the other grew up playing D&D. do I need to go any further?

Rock because vin is an homosex

The Rock would destroy that candy ass.

The Rock, no contest.
>Huuurrrr wrestling isn't real!
Steroids are pretty real and his athleticism at 260lbs is very real.

take into account that vin diesel was a bouncer and a good dancer before he was an actor. meaning he has real life experience in actual fight situations and he has the flexibility and good reflexes on his side. the rock i imagine would be really stiff and slow in a fight

The Rock would wipe the floor with his candy ass

vin deisel is white though

You mean a game where you are encouraged to come up with creative ways to kill people vs a game where you run around in padding and slapping men's arses?

Friends with both so kinda difficult to say but Vin knows how to use a knife and Dwayne can break Vin's neck like a chicken bone with one hand so most likely Dwayne.


>a good dancer

>kill people
Please user

The Rock one-shots Vince Diesel. Fucking manlet.

Is that a hoverhand?? Say it aint so Vin.

In my experience I've come to see that the humble man always wins. Vin Diesel would The Rock down.

Sorry your dm sucks.