Hey Sup Forums are you up for a raid tonight?

Hey Sup Forums are you up for a raid tonight?


Oh shit, this one seems fun


hopefully, i am just hoping for a bunch of people so we can cause max mayhem

I'm in



oh shit lets do this also checkum

bump, also what time

when we get enough people i guess


lets do this already


It's not a raid if you tell them it's a raid, faggots.

I think we should just go ahead. We have 5+ people, and as we do the deed more will come.

Signed up, made me waste an email. Let's do it.

what are we even doing

Where we going to meet each other?

got banned already


I got banned as soon as I signed up.

cRaWlInG In mY SkIn
tHeSe wOuNdS, tHeY WiLl nOt hEaL
FeAr iS HoW I FaLl
cOnFuSiNg wHaT Is rEaL
ThErE'S SoMeThInG InSiDe mE ThAt pUlLs bEnEaTh tHe sUrFaCe
cOnSuMiNg, CoNfUsInG
ThIs lAcK Of sElF CoNtRoL I FeAr iS NeVeR EnDiNg
i cAn't sEeM
To fInD MySeLf aGaIn
mY WaLlS ArE ClOsInG In
(WiThOuT A SeNsE Of cOnFiDeNcE I'M CoNvInCeD
ThAt tHeRe's jUsT ToO MuCh pReSsUrE To tAkE)
i'vE FeLt tHiS WaY BeFoRe
sO InSeCuRe
cRaWlInG In mY SkIn
tHeSe wOuNdS, tHeY WiLl nOt hEaL
FeAr iS HoW I FaLl
cOnFuSiNg wHaT Is rEaL
DiScOmFoRt, EnDlEsSlY HaS PuLlEd iTsElF UpOn mE
DiStRaCtInG, rEaCtInG
AgAiNsT My wIlL I StAnD BeSiDe mY OwN ReFlEcTiOn
iT'S HaUnTiNg hOw i cAn't sEeM
To fInD MySeLf aGaIn
mY WaLlS ArE ClOsInG In
(WiThOuT A SeNsE Of cOnFiDeNcE I'M CoNvInCeD
ThAt tHeRe's jUsT ToO MuCh pReSsUrE To tAkE)
i'vE FeLt tHiS WaY BeFoRe
sO InSeCuRe
cRaWlInG In mY SkIn
tHeSe wOuNdS, tHeY WiLl nOt hEaL
FeAr iS HoW I FaLl
cOnFuSiNg wHaT Is rEaL
CrAwLiNg iN My sKiN
ThEsE WoUnDs, ThEy wIlL NoT HeAl
fEaR Is hOw i fAlL
CoNfUsInG, cOnFuSiNg wHaT Is rEaL
ThErE'S SoMeThInG InSiDe mE ThAt pUlLs bEnEaTh tHe sUrFaCe
cOnSuMiNg (CoNfUsInG WhAt iS ReAl)
ThIs lAcK Of sElF CoNtRoL I FeAr iS NeVeR





I went to sign up and got banned wtf?

I'll use a vpn if theres more info on what we're fucking doing

Who else got banned as soon as they went to verify
Their account?


It's probably because I named myself Anders Behring Breivik

Lets go

Trips get



works if you use a browser proxie

So what do we do?

make it like the time we raided deviant art



perma banned

i got back on now. somehow. now what.


Maybe we should start a kik group in case this 404s

Maybe we should try and coordinate and be on one single thread