Last trap thread died

Last trap thread died



someone has a big penis trap, super sissy?


What's the point of dressing up like that if there's a fucking mouse and keyboard in the pic?

Maybe this is just autism, but that kinda shit ruins nudes/porn for me.






suomalainen aiemmasta langasta paikalla?

Any traps wanna kik?

Calm down. It's probably a pic taken from a cam show.

Show your face or fuck off, man.


>Showing face on Sup Forums

wow, whats her name`?

>those enormous feet


Are his balls pokeballs? Nice. Would fuck

really need a fem boy in my life. would do anything for him....

The internet doesn't need any more pics of faceless male bodies.

they're doing a camshow you witless troglodyte



im shy :|

does any of you can lactate? i trained it for several weeks, i could press out some drops. but not anymore... any experience / tricks?

Hmmm, not Kylie Maria

But it'll do


Even if your point was true, which is just an opinion so good job for having one, it is still incredibly dumb to post your face online.

im back



your not shy, youre cute :*

honestly. if I had a dog half as retarded as you I would take it out back and shoot it.
how are you still alive?

Pretty good.

Fuck off, reddit.

hi there, my beauty


>if I had a dog half as retarded as you I would take it out back and shoot it. how are you still alive?

Excuse me for not watching shitty camshows.

Fucking morning and already read the most retarded shit I'll read today, Thanks faggot.

are u a foot fetishist or something?
they are ok

Happy now?

>all this samefagging

Yes. Thank you.

>Last trap died ?
Like... There is no more trap ?



all trap is rip

I'll excuse you for not having basic comprehensive abillities, like the how to get context from the clues provided in the fucking picture.
You're actually fucking dumb

anyone wana cum inside?

Fucking liar, eat dirt

thx, i would give you a BJ for this..

yo nyt ollaan. meni hetki löytää

would cum inside and out c;

boobs are so wonderful. i dont know how i lived without em.

I wanna cum inside mang

I'd destroy your ass like the Russian economy goddamn

show more,

unleash them, so you get even more good feelings ;)

I've literally only watched one camshow and she had the decency to keep her shit out of view.

lol i know this isnt sexual but i love buns sooo muchhhhhhhh

whelp i know what im fapping to today

nice hair, how does your face look with it?


I take that back, I've seen two. The second one being that one trans guy's meltdown on chaturbate.

so goddamned autistic. Just get off the internet please.

awww... looks cute. how long you had to grow that`? are you on HRT?


Noni :) Kysymykseesi viime langassa: Vähän oon seksilelua hankkinu ja pientä lingeriee yms, mutta siihen on jäänyt ku on tyttöystävä ja vanhemmilla asuminen rajoittanut, en oo edes päässyt kunnolla karvattomaksi vetämään :/
Mutta nyt oon muuttamassa pois vanhemmilta ja tyttöystäväkin on opiskelemassa pohjoisemmassa, niin rupean varmaan levittämään vähän siipiäni :)

not the best quality. but looks good, got any more?
or ass c;

lol i'll never put my face on Sup Forums

sorry nope

forever, like 2 years so far


Hi gaylords

if not your face, what about the rest of your body?


noniin hyvä kuulla :) itsellä kans vähän rajoittaa tuo tyttöystävä :D on kyllä sen verran mukava tyttöystävä että kun läpällä heittänyt että voisi tytyillä niin on vaan innostunu ;D ihan mukavaa hommaa on kyllä :) itse alastomassasuomessa kuviani aikanaan jakelin.

would lick/10

here's one
and another

Fuck you, faggot.

Why is the mouse facing the wrong way?

nice tits and body, ass? c;

wow, love it! are you able to lactate?

Nice tits!

Start making seperate threads for faceless men.

says a user

I bet you have a great pussy to go with those amazing tits!


Mulla tyttöystävä tietää että oon tykänny tytyillä vähän, kun löysi pienen vaatekappaleen nii piti hiukan selitellä :D Oli ihan silleen ok asian kanssa, muttei nyt mitenkään innostunut. Miehen ja poikaystävänhän se haluaa.
Sanoi kyllä että on ehkä okei asian kanssa jos haluan kokeilla seksiä miehen kanssa, mutta silti en tiedä voinko jatkaa sen kanssa kun pitäisi mennä ihan ammattilaisen kaa puhumaan, on halua elää ihan naisena :/
Eli suuria päätöksiä edessä, rupean kyllä laittelemaan kuvia ja videota ynnä muuta sellaista jos päädyn tyttöilemään :D

wow.. how did your body change?


im so jealous... are you just on hrt or doing anything else special you look so good :x

if you dident get that you must be stupid.
i was implying that you are a faceless man because you are posing as a user


You sounds like one of those creeps who comments on porn videos. Piss off.

jealous. you look nice

is this you?

more butt?

>a user
>posting nudes of yourself with your face cropped out is the same as using an anonymous image board
Okay, retard.

with a little magic =P

(my dose obv has been waaay upped since then, this pic is my first hrt script)

oh... keep on trying it, and enjoy it :D i would love to have your body. youre so hot...