Hi /b a britfag here

Hi /b a britfag here.

In the UK today it's results day


Rate my results

You retarded? Sup Forums is for 18 year olds.
Go shove your grades up your ass, they suck anyways.

F is failing a class right?, how do you even do that ?

Goog going, britfag

How the fuck did you fail literature? That's the one we mock people for doing even at undergraduate level.

In all seriousness, it's not the end. You just need to go for an apprenticeship or something. There is ALWAYS a way to improve your situation. Hang in there, Sup Forumsro.

Don't go anywhere without a map and gps.

I dont see how getting worse than C's in GCSE is possible, unless its a practical class like Art where if you dont do any work then fair enough...still though

>GCSE Results Day
>You do GCSE at 16
>OP = Underage
Enjoy faggot

underage retarded fag

Mods mods mods

Hi op here

Quads decides what I do with my life

Wow you must be fucking stupid.

Now I want jamba juice instead of a shitty bloody Mary

F is potato level

Depends on where he is in the UK. In my school anything below a C was a fail and you had to get a B or above to continue that subject in A level

nah 22 yr here, had similar results and realised high school contributes nothing towards your adult life. just get a job and travel till you can enrol into uni as a mature age student

Op got suspended from school for sexual assault

what the fuck? how do you fail gcse's? i didn't even study for mine yet still got everything above B's.


E? What the fuck is an E grade?

One above a F clearly. it was usually a 40% mark on a test a good 11 years ago for me

GCSE Fag. OP is 16


underage b&

Mods hear our cries, ban this kid, make his day even worse


Thats your fucking plan? Seriously? Come back and try again in 20 years? Fuck thats so pathetic.

How can you even fail GCSE's you retard, literally scum can get better than that wank.