R34 anyone?

R34 anyone?
Got some time to blast so...




Bumping with more Ahri









Can I get some Akali love?


can't even look at the thumbnails anymore because my folder is too large / lol patcher / nsa notification eats all my ram








ahhh there we go






>the filename





Btw to anyone here for the lol pron:
i hope you know "when the servers go down".

go on...














>female hat human male nipples
>pussy rape scarf








The fuck's wrong with her face?! She looks like a tard!









Also who got




really? It's first in google search..

dat quality may give cancer

everyone who searched lol porn surely read it...



Yeah anything over about 15K files in one folder and windows slowly loses the ability to can even. It got a shitton better on windows 7 moving from XP though

split 'em into multiple folders if you have to









I don't even play LoL








it's only THAT bad if the lol patcher is running in the background or some other bullshit
>10k GOOD pictures here








