Sure, drunks can be obnoxious as hell, but they always own up to it the next day and are just like...

Sure, drunks can be obnoxious as hell, but they always own up to it the next day and are just like, "Yeah I like to drink." What I've noticed though is that a lot of stoners aren't content with leaving it at that and feel the need to justify their hobby and why it should be legal at any chance they can get (usually through sharing shitty Illuminati-esque memes or unfair comparisons to legal drugs).

I'm legitimately curious as to why this is Sup Forums. It can't simply be because pot's a rather innocuous substance that's still laughably illegal since all sorts of other illicit drug users would be bitching about how oxycodone is prescribed while cocaine and LSD aren't. I also doubt that it's a result of prohibition making it frustrating for them to smoke because it's such a widely-used substance.

tl; dr: Why are stoners more annoying and delusional than every other type of drug user? Serious explanations preferred.


Other urls found in this thread:

They aren't, you just have a stick up your bum

Maybe the stoners you hang out with are just like that? I don't smoke myself but i rather hang out with a bunch of stoners than a bunch of drunks.

Smoked daily since December 2011.

Stopped buying in March 2016. Last smoke June 01, 2016.

Not gonna lie, first week was mildly annoying. Pretty intense dreams after. Appetite all over the place... Moody... but mostly because being sober sucks.

Otherwise... that's it.

Everything is just better with weed.

Lol nobody cares faggot.

Do us all a favor go blow a shotgun.

I don't hang out with them but all these twats I went to high school with share retarded WEED CURES CANCER and DA GUBMINT WANTS TO BAN WEED BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT US TO SEE THE TRUTH pictures from Collective-Evolution and the like

Because the facts are that cannabis is measurably less harmful than alcohol. A substance which, like cannabis, was once illegal, and like cannabis should be, is now legal and regulated.

Remember how violent crime went up during the prohibition? Well it's still going on. It's call the drug war.

I'll just leave these here for you since you need them more than I do.

So you are talking about a recreational drug that can kill people, and does so, on a regular basis, has no medical value what so ever, yet is legally regulated and even ADVERTISED ON TELEVISION versus a plant, that doesn't have the toxicity problem, has multiple proven medical uses, and is still prohibited decades later.

In defense of stoners. Drunks were bitching too during prohibition... which is why we can buy alcohol at the store now.

This picture getting shared around a lot is what sparked this whole post


Dude I fucking smoke from time to time and I'm not saying it should remain illegal. If prohibition was simply the explanation then how come all the coke fiends and psychonauts don't whine and cry about their favorite drugs being illegal all.the.fucking.time? This fucking victim complex seems to be a problem unique to stoners and stoner culture


thanks bro I'm going to go through my Facebook feed and grab some stoner retardation to bump with

How this retarded? It's true.
Please swallow a bottle of oxys and chase it with a bottle of vodka you fucking homofuck loser.


Weed is easy as fuck to find and legal punishments for it aren't shit anymore, it's pretty much legal anyway


well for one you can't refill oxy scripts you fucking troglodyte because you need to get another script from your doctor

Uh yes you stupid fucking nigger.
Stop talking about shit you don't know anything about.

bro, itsn't even that good; weed's overrated as hell; the shittiest drug i have ever got high on.
you said my words
I hate this fucking cunts: Oh, weed's natural. weed's not drug; weed's plant.
So is opium poppy YOU FUCKING FAGGOT Bob Marley fan reggae dipshit.

I don't see the difference

I also like how you're trying to pretend that you're not underaged.
You might be able to lie to your stupid parents, but not me.

>(usually through sharing shitty Illuminati-esque memes or unfair comparisons to legal drugs).
maybe you should have friends that don't go to community college

So you are friends with a couple woo-woo shitheads, therefore all stoners are woo-woo shitheads?

"then how come all the coke fiends and psychonauts don't whine and cry about their favorite drugs being illegal all.the.fucking.time"

Uhhh they do... Plenty of people advocate for the legalization of all drugs under the argument of bodily autonomy and civil rights. Just because you don't see it on your Facebook timeline doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

This whole thread boils down to "I see people saying X, therefore all people like that think X. Nobody I know talks about Z, therefore nobody in the world ever talks about Z."

tl;dr OP is an idiot who thinks his immediate experience is indicative of everyone in the world.

nb this shit thread, sage goes in all fields

I grew up in a water trash town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. You're giving a lot them more credit than they deserve

Oh really? I'm dating a fucking pharmacist and you buy mids from high schoolers

A pharmacist is not a doctor you stupid queer.
End yourself.

Memes like this don't exist for meth, heroin, coke, or molly

go to a higher education institution worthy of your enlightenment instead of being a townie fuck then. at college I despised weed going in and the stoners there were the best people


Shut the fuck up roastie. Wash that nasty ass pussy.

Doctors fill the prescriptions now?

you sorta answered your own question, you create a paranoia from the threat of jail time for a harmless plant of which was made illegal for reasons that if you made a movie about it, no one would believe. to buy it you need to be in contact with someone willing to take the risk of jail time to sell you it, which causes all kind of issues and now us, the stoners are put in the fucked up position of saying "ok we know you cant admit you were lying for a century and have caused the death of countless thousands of people, created the situation that made citys in mexico among the deadliest in the world and made millions suffer with conditions and prison time over a lie but we are willing to let you slide, we dont even want you to legalise it all round like any sane society would, we are begging for you to tax and let you sell at a price that is higher than what it was when it was being run by criminals"

Here in south america is expensive and you can go to jail just for possesion so you're kinda biased.Our claims are legit.

They WRITE the prescriptions you dumb fucking nigger.
Your boyfriend is a pill monkey and glorified drug dealer.

Sure is teenage summerfag in here... Do you kids even logic? Or do you just call each other niggers and faggots and use faulty logic to argue silly, over-simplified points that are all completely off-base?

Nevermind, I know the answer.


Already did and now I'm moving to Germany for grad school where, if they do exist, at least I won't be able to understand their bullshit

why are you smoking dope when you have coke growing all over the place?

You're just a pussy. I smoked almost every day for 11 years (4 for college, then 7 while I had a job that didn't drug test) then I got a better job and had to quit because they do drug test.
Cold turkey, just one day I smoked, the next day I was done with it. And guess what? No problems. No withdrawal. No cravings. No nothing. Just no more smoking.
I haven't smoked in about 4.5 years now. No big deal.

what an epic troll this is. foreign grad school just means you sucked to much to get into a good one here

Because mj is a psychedelic. It literally fucks with their brain chemistry long term. I smoked a lot earlier in life and always thought i was having "revelations" while under the influence. Write some of those "revelations" down and then stop smoking for a month, re-read them, and realize you were just going full retard.

TL;DR it fucks with your brain in a way that makes you delusional

coke is pretty safe too though and the drug war with it has been FAR more harmful though. There are a number of relatively safe drugs like pot that are illegal and yet very few of their users are claiming miraculous health benefits from them to try and justify their drug habits

Ay ay, smoke weed every NEET cuck.



Weed smokers just die
I hate you

Because only hippie faggots smoke weed

only if the balls touch user.
why has everyone fucking forgotten the rules

tbh I just didn't want to waste money on the GRE, application fees, and support a bullshit system designed for profit instead of education. Also I planned on emigrating anyway and this seemed as good a time as any

Glad you could all take time away from your busy toilet jobs to yell about this.


did your daddy hit you when he drank?
often have flashbacks when you binge these days?
yeah simmer down hypocrite

>Unfair comparisons to legal drugs.

You do understand it's just a fucking plant? Just 'cause some cunt I've never met said I can't touch it doesn't mean a thing to me. Cigarettes and alcohol are far more potent, and do real damage to families around the world, yet they're legal. That alone highlights how fallible man made laws are.

>If you smoke or drink and claim to be anti drugs then you're an idiot and a hypocrite.

stoners are the ones who have to take the toilet jobs because they can't pass a drug test

Because meth, coke, heroin and molly haven't been shown to kill cancer cells, help chemo patients and prevent seizures in various laboratory tests, you petty child. The people you're making fun of are, ironically, much more informed about the nature of cannabis than you are.

Do 5 minutes of research before you start shitty threads like this and bitch about nothing. Of course, doing research would actually require effort, and then you wouldn't be able to bitch about it anymore, right? Better to be ignorant and lazy than active and informed, eh?

Go back to school kid.

Why would they?

>look at this pill pushing cuck thinking she's hot shit

You need to die you fucking cum guzzling slut.
I hope you get shot up by someone taking anti-depressants.


>Not the guy you were talking to, but

Such rage!

>Angsty 14 year old detected.

Not him but triggered much you pansy faggot?
Fuck off back to facebook if you don't like it.

But stoners act like it ACTUALLY cures cancer when it doesn't. Also the CBD oils are the things being studied and they're already legally obtainable online and in literally every fucking head shop

because apparently prohibition of a drug turns all of its users into obnoxious cunts

>believes Snopes is a reliable source

Now I know you're a fucking mongoloid.
Keep slurping down those crazy pills like you do your boyfriend's cum you retarded slut.

its not because its addictive because it isnt. its just that this world sucks without it. and drinking gives you horrible hangovers so why not just get high and stoned instead. great way to block out all your problems

>You do understand it's just a fucking plant?
So is opium poppy too which is simply opiate. Dumbs like you don't even know what opiate is... Heroin...
plant... yes it is. then? It is abused and smoked and makes you high. why in the world does it matter if it is plant that kills you or pill?
I know it doesn't kill you. Just asking you what's point.


Because coke consumes you, ive seen it, ive done it.Besides i dont live in a druglords feud in the jungle.Fuck your stereotypes

You mean your retarded Facebook friends.

Remove yourself newfag

im for all round legalization but stuck to the weed one cos it was the question but your right man, far more widespread and the cost of doing biz is alot higher, and if we cant get weed legal, we got no hope with coke. i cant think of a single case that prohibition has worked.

Your brain has receptors specifically designed for smoking this plant

There is a difference between a shitty stoner and medical patient. Yes people lie about things for their med card, which is why it should just be legal, but seriously you think people with chrons disease or cancer are just doing it for shits and giggles? Then you truly are stupider than a sack of rocks.

However effective cannabis is at treating cancer it's offset by the cancer that you people give me by only existing.

Enjoy doing this day after day because you're too blown to remember that you've argued this twice today.

The internet was a mistake, it gave basement dwelling stoner troglodytes a voice to push their hippy agendas.

AGAIN, you use the term stoners like the group is a monolith. No one group thinks exactly the same dipshit, have you never taken a class about critical thinking? Is this concept over your head?

People "Act like it cures cancer" because laboratory tests SHOW THAT IT KILLS CANCER CELLS. There's no proof that the smoked form has the effect yet, but in a concentrated form, it does kill cancer cells. Stop denying literal science. Google is your friend, if you know how to use objective terms rather than only looking at what reaffirms what you already think.

Google "Cannabis cancer cells study" and look at the various articles from reputable sources all saying the same thing.

Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, you're obviously too dim to get over your own biases and think objectively, I'm out.

Quit taking yourself so fucking seriously. Just because you were an idiot with it does not mean everyone is like that. Literally 95% of people I know smoke, and NEVER have I ever heard some shit like that. You were just being stupid.

Has obviously never met a meth addict

Go watch a video of little epileptic kids taking cannabis oil and going from 40-50 seizures a day to ZERO and tell me that it's stupid to advocate for cannabis as a medicine.

tl;dr OP starts thread knocking stupid Facebook friends, ends up exposing the fact that he's the stupid one.

oh also nb this shit

I'd like to legalize and regulate everything too so that I know I'm getting what I paid for. The tax revenue could then be pumped into rehabilitation and responsible use education. However, I don't proclaim magical benefits of all of these drugs. I am content to just say that I like them and not try to justify it with epileptic babies

The people with chronic diseases aren't the ones posting obnoxious and nonsensical memes from Collective-Evolution. I'm specifically talking about regular smokers who can't accept "I like it" as a valid reason for doing it and have to prove to everyone that it's good or something

I smoke weed sometimes but i treat it like alchohol only more fun and less hangover. Mostly like once or twice a month at a party. Don't smoke everyday or drink everyday. It's bad 4 u.

>implying money matters

This just sounds like you're predisposed to being psychotic, I've never had any "revelations" or delusional thinking while smoking weed, nor does anybody I know ever act like this while high. Stop projecting your own mental instability to the entire userbase of a substance

I worked with a crackhead and he was actually pretty cool except the one time he went into withdrawals. Never once whined about his hobby being healthy or how it should be legalized though

stoners are just obnoxious & delusional emos trying to self-medicate away mental illness.

just let the smoke in peace & avoid them like the plague, and you'll see your life will be much more pleasant


I'm all for weed, but this argument is fucking retarded. THC imitates neurotransmitters that exist naturally in your brain and so it can fit those receptors, your brain doesn't specifically make receptors hoping you'll flood your brain with THC.

And i agree with you. But thats why I DONT HAVE FRIENDS. I dont use facebook and i dont care. Because of shit like that.

So then the endocannabinoid system is just science fiction then?

I've thought about deleting it and making a new one when I move in a week so I don't have to deal with it but at the same time I don't want to live in an online echo-chamber

your brain has specific receptors for opiates too let's all do morphine and heroin

Are you retarded? I literally just said the chemicals in marijuana imitate our NATURALLY occurring neurotransmitters. For fuck's sake dude, actually try and read a post before replying

You are actually dumb as fuck. I don't think you reefed enough reefs

I understand that. Most people don't though. I despise facebook for everything it is and honestly i think you are a retarded waste of oxygen if you use it constantly but at the end of the day it doesnt matter

So why am I so dumb. Please elaborate.

Molly can be very effective (when combined with proper therapy) in treating PTSD. As in, cured within a few sessions.
LSD/Shrooms can be used to treat depression, cluster headaches, addiction...
There's benefits and dangers for every drug, but there's a whole lot of kneejerk reactions and 'all drugs are baaaad mkay. Except the ones I like.'

I enjoy a beer, psychedelics & weed occasionally. I still think it's retarded that the banned substances can't be used in research, and that shit like alcohol is available so freely when it is so much more dangerous.

But I don't go meming around about it because that doesn't solve anything. We have a select group of friends doing certain drugs, we're very careful and as responsible as possible, and if someone is interested we give em the basic info, which includes the possible dangers, and let em decide for themselves.

this user knows what's up
I just get a similar high to being drunk
I get very creative thoughts but forget them very quickly and I get distracted by my own thoughts a lot.
That's it.

Sounds like you dont live in a neighborhood with tweakers. Also weed is really harmless and safe so people smoke it habitually everyday not realizing that any drug consumed like that becomes an addictive habit, even coffee.

Because you actually believe our brain created an entire neurotransmitter system focused around ingesting a foreign substance, instead of the far more likely scenario that it made its own system for its own use and marijuana just happens to interact with that system

So if we naturally produce THC, CBG, CBN, and CBD, Then taking these cannabinoids which are in cannabis, it only imitates them. Huh I feel soooo stupid thanks for proving me wrong, Dr.


Not so many tweakers but definitely a lot of junkies. A bunch of 'em just croaked because of a big shipment of fentanyl that was sold to them as h

Pot-slammers are annoying as hell. They love to tell you about a handful of successful dope addicts, but they don't seem to notice that the majority of them completely live up to the stereotype of losers who do nothing with their lives. Marijuana is a drug for people who don't like using their minds. It makes one stupid and slow-witted, easily amused and unable to handle higher cognitive reasoning. Adderall, kratom, and kava (in the evening) are the psychoactives for intelligent and motivated individuals.

>if we naturally produce THC, CBG, CBN, and CBD
Our brain doesn't produce any of these you fucking halfwit. We have receptors in our brain that are activated by neurotransmitters we naturally produce, and those FOREIGN chemicals you listed are able to activate these receptors because they have chemical similarities to those that are naturally produced.

Same here which is why I prefer dabs or edibles if I'm doing anything weed related. If I wanted to feel slightly drunk, I'd rather just go out and drink some beers and be social