Lets see some milfs

lets see some milfs

My aunts

Sure, sure I believe you op


Holy fck do you have any more of those big asses?


In b4 it becomes a "milf/mature porn" thread.


My Aunt.




keep cumming to those old, infertile womyn, goy







Girl on right, how would Sup Forums fuck her

only thing i cum to these days

intimacy issues

cant get a gf my age; too weird and autistic

Me too. I think they're sexy. I always have. Even before they coined the term 'MILF' I always knew this was the kind of woman I want.

You stupid Shiksa! We want the goys to slow down on the crotch fruit.

>intimacy issues
get a pet
>needing a gf
anyone. ANYONE can get laid on tinder

you don't need a gf, but maybe with regular sex you'll learn to stop being intimidately by females

they are really nothing special at all


I dont think you understand, if i could have a gf i would have one by now, i really cant a grill to even be my friend

it's just a confidence issue

the main thing to realize is that you don't need a gf anyway. no one does.

fill your life with male friends and animal friends and the boat will rise on its own and other things start falling into place as well

that's all the advice a random user deserves on this captcha-infested, shitty board, the rest i leave up to you