Do people actually think the answer is 10 or at they just trolling

do people actually think the answer is 10 or at they just trolling

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Should be 54

>this is probably bait, but i'll explain it for anyone who suffered massive brain damage as a child

6^2 = 36
so we have 36/2(3) + 4
2(3) = 6
36/6 = 6(duh)
then 6 + 4 = 10

No shit, when it is obviously either 5 or 3.6

58. Add the 4 at the end.

Why are you treating the 2(3) as a single term? It's not a true parenthetical. It's an alternate way to write 2 x 3. Thus the answer is 58.


This. And calculators don't follow Order Of Operations, so don't try to Google the answers.

No, it's 58.



6^2 % 2(3) + 4
36 % 2(3) + 4
36 % 6 + 4
6 + 4

See, the problem is that you're fucking retarded and don't know how to properly format a math problem.


It's still parenthesized, ergo the answer really is 10.

Let me make it perfectly clear for you. "for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)" cannot be rewritten as "$i = 0123456789" and expect to give you the same results.

This. A mathematician would laugh at you if you expressed it this way.

Then how about this user: who has a valid point?

It is fucking atupid to put parentheticals on that. It's a move made by jaded teachers who realise they aren't getting anywhere in life and just want kids to suffer.

36 / 2(3) is vague and can be read
(36 / 2) 3 or 36 / (2 x 3)

It's 58
Multiplication and division are done in order of left to right not multiply then divide.

It's stupid, but it's still a parenthesis and must be treat as one. A coder would laugh at you if you said the answer was 58.

>Follow thee order newfag
P= parentheses
E= equation
M= multiply
D= divide
A= add
S= subtract

>Please Eat My Dirty Ass Steve

Exactly, which is why the answer is 10

It's 154 fucking shitters

what about exponents you nigger?

PEMDAS you nigger

They're classed as multiplication.

> coder

A programmer would write the expression either as
6**2 / 2 * 3 +4 or 6**2 / (2 * 3) + 4 the question is which one of these is the same as idiot OPs expression?

And it's not parenthesized since 2(3) is 2 * 3 and not (2 *3)

is right

> equation
You done goofed m80.

>See, the problem is, I don't know how to read a mathematical problem
I fixed that for you, user.

Prof. user's Math Class is in session, listen closely children.
First, we do the parenthesis, there's none of those. So, we do the Exponents, 6^2, AKA 6*6 for anyone who doesn't know how exponents work. Don't forget to rewrite your problem after each solution to not lose your place!
Next, we do Multiplication OR Division, from left to right, so we're doing the Division now.
We've still got multiplication to do, so we'll take care of that!
All that's left is to do the addition, and we've got our answer.

Don't forget to do your homework!



In that order

have you ever noticed all of these "LOL YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO MATH" posts involve, without a doubt, the obelus instead of parentheticals or a horizontal bar?

I'm on to you, shitlords

>taking the bait
>calling others newfag
>not pulling that butt plug out of your ass

36/6 = 6
6+4 = 10

exactly. i program calculators for a living and i don't even know what "order of operations" means.

i realize you assholes are trolling, but since this place is flooded with children and the current generation is already shitty enough:

this can only be correctly read as 6 squared, divided by 2, multiplied by 3, plus 4.

you evaluate everything INSIDE the parentheses first, and then treat the result as a single term when evaluating the next level outside the parentheses, so OoO means that you perform the division by two before the multiplication. there is no other correct way to interpret the statement because math is a non-ambiguous language (otherwise, you wouldn't be able to punch in expressions and have your calculator understand them).

And why would I listen to a codemonkey? Math is just applied philosophy. Being a philosopher, I think I would know how it actually works

this you faggots

PEMDAS doesn't mean you do what's around the parentheses first; it means that you do what's INSIDE the parentheses first.

knowing this removes all ambiguity from an otherwise ambiguiously-written problem.

The parenthesis are only around the 3. They effectively vanish, replaced with a multiplication sign. Then left to right. Answer is 58.

>This, dont bother fact checking me!

>applied philosophy

you do 36/2 first you dumb retard.
2(3) != (2(3))

Can Sup Forums solve this?
Gv = ∫_{0}^{Δv} dv = -v0*

There will be an award.

No, worthless faggot, you don't understand. Any child knows the god damn order of operations. The issue is that only useless cocksuckers would ever format it the way op did. No one does math like that. It's written to be super convoluted intentionally, and op is just a stupid cunt and lacks extremely basic communication skills.

ITT people who never took pre-calc or higher think the answer is 10

look at them

look at them and laugh

>using ur own brain instead of using ur phone

>i program calculators for a living

>ITT faggots taking "parentheses" too literally
>PEMDAS means RESOLVE the parentheses FIRST

other anons are right-- 2(3) is considered a single term.

Oh shit lol, yea thanks

the answer is ten

i have a phd in math

Delta v?

Clearly you didn't pay attention in class.
You're even spouting the thing you're getting wrong.

PEDMAS whatever the fuck you want to call it.
The very first letter tells you to resolve the parenthesis first.

That's not a problem. That's just an autistic declaration of a variable.

Yea, the parentheses just indicate multiplication. If it was (2(3)) then it would be different. But people are fucking retarded so it's no use.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way op formatted it, if you look at it, it's formatted quite nicely. It's all left to right, you don't have to go to the middle of the problem and pick out the part you have to do. You're just a fucking retard.
It's fucking BASIC math

and several damage brain u nigger

Solve for what?

u should get a refund, mate. or, at least see if they'll let you exchange it for something else.


Yeah, I was just fixing to post that point too. Even if its two terms, multiplication is the very next step so you're still handling that entire phrase first.

The question is written incorrectly.

Order of operations is irrelevant, the obelus makes it ambiguous as to which numbers are in the divisor.

There are three equally correct answers, depending on how you interpret the obelus: 54, 10, and 3.6

This is why an obelus is incorrect notation for proper equations.

And that ladies and gentlemen, ist the reason no European student uses the god damn divis after grade 4 anymore...

again, for the sake of the childrens...

the parens resolve to a value of 3. if it was 6^2/2(3-2) + 4 then the answer would be 22. just because the 2 is next to the (3) doesn't mean you perform that Multiplication before the division to the left.

and again, I know you're just being a troll, but kids are dumb enough already

>The very first letter tells you to resolve the parenthesis first.
Yes, and there is nothing inside the parenthesis to SOLVE you dense shit.
(3) is not a problem, it's the same as saying *3 or multiplied by 3, and as we know you do not do multiplication first unless it is inside a parenthesis, which it is not.
(2(3)) would be in parenthesis, which states the 2 MUST be multiplied by the 3
2(3) is just saying multiply whatever is to the left of the 3, which in the case of the problem is 18, NOT 2. because you START with exponents THEN move left to right doing division OR multiplication
Did you fail 5th grade math? This is not complex at all.

it's not ambiguous; you can't write an expression ambiguously, just incorrectly.

I'm feeling 8. Yuhp. The answer is definitely b8

Are y'all really this retarded?

It's 3,6

Solve the equations for x
Now solve for the resultant being 10
therefore by proof the answer is 58

Quads confirm it's 10. End of discussion.

36/ 2(3) + 4

Okay now lets do the parenthesis (3) = 3
Okay, done.
Now lets go left to right to see what we do first in division or multiplication.
36/2 x 3 + 4

18 x 3 + 4

54 + 4


Game over bitches

You resolve what is INSIDE the parentheses, and 3 doesn't need to be resolved further.


It clearly says 6² not 6^2. It's a small number not some weird hat between the numbers. Go fuck yourself...

eurofag detected

Its PEMDAS but really it can be read as PE/MD/AS

You're creating a distinction without a difference. It's incorrect because it's ambiguous.

>2(3) = 6 (P)
>6 ^ 2 = 9 (E)
>NO (M) because 2(3) is a single term that was resolved during the (P) step
>9 / 6 = 1.5 (D)
>1.5 + 4 = 5.5 (A)
>no (S) obviously



>being that retarded


while i admire your gusto, it's wasted effort. these fuckers can't even read...

besides, isn't proof just a lie promulgated by the cis white patriarchy?

nigga what

Yes I think it's well established that we have a lot of Europeans on 4skin.

Wowee, you sure are one dumb nigger. It's formatted like absolute shit. "Going from left to right and looking nice" is not what separates a well formatted mathematical expression from an ill formatted one. That's what a useless broad who majored in art history would think counts as nice formatting. A well formatted mathematical expression would be written unambiguously and clearly. It would use parentheses to separate terms properly. It would not start these types of arguments.

And it sure as hell would not use the god damn "divided by" symbol that first graders use.

This whole thread is full of retards for even discussing what the answer should be, but anyone claiming it's a good question in the first place is a whole new level of fucktard.


36/2 x 3 +4
18 x 3 + 4
54 + 4

Well the parentheses do come before exponents so more like P/E/MD/AS but yeah you seem to get it. Multiplication and division are effectively the same operation, and same for addition and subtraction.

ITT: people who forget that when the order of operations is the same (e.g., multiplication and division), we must evaluate the expression from left to right and so no expression can ever be ambiguous (only misinterpreted)

ITT: people argue about whether to multiply or divide first

no. and incorrect expression would be either mechanically incorrect (3 +/ 7) or syntactically incorrect (3 + 7 when you meant 3 - 7). any valid expression is unambiguous because the language used to communicate mathematical expressions is unambiguous. because the rules don't allow for more than one correct interpretation of a valid expression, the language is unambiguous.

Shitty way to write a 6. I read it as Lo.

And it's 42.



sorry. but honestly, you shouldn't be upset. none of the other places that use a comma even count as real countries. just go w/ european; it's the best you're gonna get.


Dafook 12 yo anons"

6^2/2(3)+4 = 36/2*3+4
= 18*3+4
= 54+4
= 58

Shit no wonder, I kept squaring Lo and got Hi


ive worked as an 8th grade math teachers aide for too long and i want to kill myself but that is the answer.

wouldn't Lo^2 be LoLo?

1. Take care of the distribution to put the problem into simplest terms.


2. Apply the order of operations

