How to get over ex Sup Forums? What did you do? Cause I have no idea

How to get over ex Sup Forums? What did you do? Cause I have no idea.

2 words.

1. Cognac.
2. Sluts.

you kill her and her new BF while they are fucking

you dont. if i talk to my ex ill get a restraining order

Can confirm, this works.
Also started going to gym

I think she used me my dudes

Get over an ex by getting on top of another girl.

Or behind if you're fucking her from there... you know what, just get with another girl or fill up your time with hobbies. Idle minds and shit.

Just keep going. Time is really the only way to do it. Or continue to be a fag and wallow i guess

1. ignore her
2. block her
3. get your friends together and drink
best one: 4. get new pussy. As soon as you have another one, you won't care about the ex.

Can we close this now?


Time. Time is the only sure fire way.

Problem is it takes more or less depending on the person.

I am at stage two of this

I'm going through the whole getting over her process right now, so I can imagine what you're going through.
obviously you can go for booze and sluts. that's one option.
The other, the one I personally prefer, is to make yourself busy - go to the gym, do some work, study, read, go out etc. Do whatever you like, even if you need to force yourself to get going, and keep yourself busy enough to not think about her. Also, get a daily routine, wake up and be productive. Helped me a lot to wake up early and for example go to the library to work on my dissertation.
Hang in there, buddy

run into her and her new bf when you leave gym and see they both drunk laughing at you and when u go home alone they will have sex making fun of you she will blowjob too

Realize that falling in love with someone is just the results of a series of generic events that can occur between you and basically anyone who meets your standards of attractiveness. It's just an emotional manifestation of a handfull of chemicals bouncing back and forth. It's not the holy grail of living, it's not your reason to exist and it's definitely not something reserved for "that one person." Accept that you are just an animal with a big brain that allows him to fret over what only amounts to a game of hormone pool. What you're feeling is not your soul dying a gurgling, ugly death, but withdrawal. All the happy chemicals that saturated your body when you were with him are kicking out cold turkey, and your body is screaming bloody murder, where are my fucking endorphins? It's just chocolate. Find a new bar, Jason.


It's easier to get over them when you never cared for them in the first place.

well said. thanks man, needed to hear this. gf of 4,5 years, only one so far, left me recently, so reading this felt alright


Been in the same spot as you op
can confirm that being with friends and getting blasted with them is a great option,do this often and fuck off from your head
Also move the fuck out of your place,cant be around an area that might trigger memories,you need something new,especially in life.

All relationships should be mutually using each other. If you let the ratio get out of hand that's on you

For real. Set up a very regular schedule of working out. Its like therapy

I mean she purposefully did. I think she just needed a chat buddy and a shoulder to cry on and an ego boost.

bitches friends just want to pimp her whore ass out they never take responsibility for their own lackluster performance

Out of sight out of mind. Cut ties completely. It gets easier over time.

I don't know if this was supposed to be legit helpful, or funny, but thank-you user.

My girlfriend dropped me out of the blue a few days ago, really struggling and this made me feel better about it - especially because I was in the delusion that she's so perfect