Calling all med fags, and or just fags that drink a lot. Ok so last night I got pretty shit faced...

Calling all med fags, and or just fags that drink a lot. Ok so last night I got pretty shit faced, lots of beer and vodka, bad mix. I also didn't drink any water yesterday. But today I woke up with my first hangover, and I threw up 2 times, the vomit was thick and chunky, probably dehydrated as fuck. But my uvula is sore, and kinda looks like it might have a few bumps.

Is there a question in there somewhere?

It's super aids. Hope you enjoyed your first beer you tremendous faggot.

Kek get off Sup Forums because you are clearly underage

Thats what i was thinking.
No your not going to die

thats what you get for deep throating dick.

Doctor here

Studies at Pittsburgh University have determined that if you take 1/10 the same amount of alcohol you administer via digestion, you can take as a suppository and have none of the undesired associated after effects ie. Hangover.

Just take an enema of vodka next time and you will be fine.


Also, you got throat raped by a aids infested nigger.

That wasn't a question, that was a statement. You're probably pretty dehydrated so call up someone and make sure you're not on your own. Just sip water and if you do faint you can just escape natural selection that is clearly chasing you around.

Your uvela hurt cause you threw up you fucking mincey faggot.

Just drink some water (small sips if you have trouble keeping it down). Tonight in a few hours you'll be eating dry crackers and tomorrow you'll feel fine.
Most importantly, learn from what happened and don't drink this much again. You probably will, but you shouldn't.

>im a doctor
>put alcohol in your ass
>have fun

You passed out and had some big black dude fuck your mouth till you puked, you just don't remember it. Enjoy your life with HIV now.

1: mixing beer and liquor has no extra ill effect
2: you have faggot aids

actual doctor here
you are a fucking idiot.
drink some water, get some sleep and sort yourself out.
as long as you aren't throwing up blood your good.

if you're asking why your uvula is sore, it's from snoring.

drink a big ass coke and you'll be fine

What's wrong with my throat lol sorry I'm still kinda trashed.


I'm 20 lol I've gotten shit faced before but I never mixed my alcohol before.

Either go yourself, or get someone, to pick up some pedialyte

The shit is amazing. Drink half a bottle straight. As long as you can keep it down, drink until its half gone. Wait a half hour, fill up the empty half with cold water and chug the shit out of it.

Refill with cold water and drink that over the next half hour.

That's just from throwing up and dehydration. Probably not cancer or superaids.

Ok thanks lol. Yeah normally when I drink I drink a bottle of water every few drinks so I don't get dehydrated but I was too fucked up to care.

Why are you so mean to me

No you aren't 20. I can bet my family tree on it. You are just a 14-15ish brat that's just paranoid because you got drunk for the first time

Didn't turn out too well now did it. Be smart next time.

Lol why are you so bitter. Birthday may 3 1996



