Go ahead and answer it Sup Forums

go ahead and answer it Sup Forums

im waiting....

how can it be? 2-3-1


They can crash and die for all I fucking care

They can crash and die for all I fucking care

2 first because straight, then 3 because 1 has a yield sign, then 1.

Get well puffy dogger




Fucking Amerifags, driving on the wrong side of the road and shit

231 anyone who says otherwise is downs

2, 3, 1



holy shit they are driving on the wrong side of the road

Straight goes first

1 goes next because he s to the right

no you idiot. you don't belong behind the wheel :)


1 is controlled by yield sign you idiot

get well puffy dogger


dubz confirm it. :)

git well paffy doggur

that's deep, bro

Czech them dubz :)

Whoever wants it more.

law would say right most car goes first.

BUT to be the most efficient, car one would go, car 2 would simultaniously turn and car 3 would follow. Probably why thiis diagram is labeled the way it is.

get well puffy dogger

firstly they should all get on the right side of the fucking road
fuck off americucksand eurofags

Get well puffy dogger

Get well puffy dodger

Get well puffy dogger

Look at the arrows. Try again.

Crash course in 3 and 1 because fuck them both

its 3-2-1 you fucking morons, 3 is the only car without a yield sign

Whoever got there first should go first. I'd say 2 should keep going
Then 3 cause he'll block 1
And one should go last

cite the law that supports the bullshit you just posted.

1 is controlled by yield sign...he waits until intersection is clear

3 is crossing 2's path...he yields right of way to 2

2 is going straight, not crossing anyone's path.

2, then 3, then 1

christ, who'd you fuck to get a driver license?

can't really tell what that sign in front of 2 is

its a generic warning sign but the image is shit quality and I can't tell what its warning is. It could be warning about the oncoming lane not stopping (in which case it would go second and 3 would go first) but it could be warning that there are ducks and shit walking around and to watch out for them in which case it goes first because its going straight.

In either case 1 goes last.


Look at the signs. No stop signs in sight.

well firstly ure all driving on the wrong side of the fucking road...

Warning, jpg compression ahead.

all of those 3 cars are on the wrong side of the street!

321 because 2 and 1 have yield signs

get well puffy dogger

Get well puffy dogger


get well puffy dogger

1 because 2 and 3 are creating an opening then 3 because 2 is holding the opening then 2

get well puffy dogger

look again. 2 does not have yield sign


All at once, but be careful.

I'm not even American and i still got it right


try doing that in real life
I'll post a screenshot of this on the day of your funeral

Fuck off puffy dogger


LOL! you have Down's Syndrome

Get well puffy dogger

Yurofag here. You shame us in driving. Itali or Greece?

>ITT: people think a right-side up triangle is a yield sign.

get well puffy dogger

Car on continuing road always has right of way. Always give way to your right. 2, 3, 1

2 is going straight, it's sign is not a yield (or 'give way' in UK) sign and can go ahead without stopping
3 has to wait for 2 to cross, then turn into the road
1 is stopped by a yield sign and must wait for the others to go as he needs to cross lanes. if he wanted to turn right, he could go without waiting for 3

get well, puffy dogger

2 would leave first as he's not crossing another lane. 3 is leaving a main street so he goes next then 1 goes last. Depends on what state/province you're in tho. In Quebec there'd be a guaranteed accident


That one on the left isn't a yield sign

2 is going straight through the intersection
2 goes first, immediately.
3 is turning from a through road into a road that terminates at the intersection.
3 waits for 2 and goes second.
1 is turning left at the end of the terminating road in the intersection.
1 has to wait for everyone else.

There may be a conflicting regulation requiring cars to allow the car to their right to go ahead of themselves; which would almost certainly cause an accident.

You are correct, so get well puffy dogger.

none of them because they are all on the wrong side of the road

ITT: We learn a worrying amount of Sup Forums are not capable of driving on public roads

213, not only correct but also my house number.

3 2 1 two and one both have yields so three goes first, two is going straight so it goes next, finally one goes last because it has both a yield and is turning left


Left turns automatically yield to oncoming traffic dipshit.


you're both retarded

Not this.

Get well puffy dogger

3 1 2

The Muslim goes first, then the SJW while the feminist just bitches and whines about being oppressed by the patriarchy. She doesn't want to go anywhere

Get well puff dogger

you couldn't be more wrong if you tried

dont bring politics into this

#imwithher #CTRactuallypaysreallywell


Yield signs are upside-down triangles only retards. 2's sign is not a yield sign.

It's main road sign. Otherwise 2 would have to yield to 3 because he's to the right and the whole thing would deadlock.

If we're going by law, whoever is the most oppressed goes first.

Get well puffy dogger

Ding ding ding


It's 2, 3, 1.

Everyone saying 3, 2, 1 - you're fucking retarded and shouldn't be driving. That's not a yield sign, it's a caution sign, letting you, if you were 2, know that there might be a moron in 1 who decides to completely fuck up the order... just like you dumbasses.

get well puffy dogger

Get well puffy dogger

Australia, the ass end of the world

2 > 3 > 1

#2 is first, because it is not turning
#1 is last, because it has a yield sign

2 has the right of way, then 3 because 1 has a yield sign. Unless 3 or 1 is black, then they have the black of way and go first causing an accident.

Get well puffy dogger