Rate a first timer

Rate a first timer

your weed looks shit quality

Can't see any weed, but that thing is a 6/10, maybe 7/10.

its tobacco for practice


Better than my first joint. Good job.

3/10.. Its pretty decent, but you have to stamp it more, that shit looks like it will burn out in 3 drags or less... Nice cone shape, but try using king size paper instead, and IF that IS king sizer paper DO stamp a lot more! It has to be all straight in the paper for the best burn...
Also, tobacco? Are you from scandinavia? are you smoking hashish or weed?

Pretty good roll but tobacco rolls a lot different than herb. This is almost like throwing a soccer ball into a laundry basket to practice basketball skills

Oh, im .. rolling Weed and tobacco is no near the same.. Just do it with weed, and re-do it a few times with the same until you have the feeling of it!

Again, here... What this dude says..

Not if you grind it.

6/10 its a nice joint

Why scandinavia? In whole europe they smoke weed with tobacco. In the parts of asia I visited they also smoked their weed with tobacco.

that roach is gonna fall the fuck out, i can tell by the creases and the pixels

2/10 looks loose af

Yeaah, it was beacause of the lack of weed.. i hought he used Hash which is most smoken scandinavia within europe

and spain, portugal, italy and greece

and canada, balkans, north africa

Canada? Really? Interesting

My dad made me practice with cabbage back in the day lol

lol thats tabbaco dawg