















im new and confused help my soul













This one is better















>That comic

Well yall gonna love this one

Damn good thread

That artist is shit, post someone else.











Get stuffed his artwork is top. What are yah after fam

Anyone saved the :orig version of this image before it was deleted from twitter?
Please post it if you have it.









Peritian is dank




ikr, his shit is amazing













oh snap

everybody has aids










This is why everyone has aids. You guys order pizza and then rape the delivery boy.

If he enjoyed it = not rape

It is a known fact all gay men want to rape you, also they all have AIDS.
There's also a smaller, yet still very prevalent chance they will eat you after raping you.

Homosexuals are not to be trusted.

Couldn't agree more, Im assuming peeps want something a bit more consensual?

Do they? I assume some are fine with it.