Just cashed out all my csgo skins, what should I do with the money ?

just cashed out all my csgo skins, what should I do with the money ?

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Gift me a game on steam
id : Comtex

Wtf? Can you explain why thos item values so much? Isn't that a game?

buy me stuff id:khanman62

even got dubs op pls get me something

well, some ppls take this too seriously

deliver you fuck

deliver what

its called autism
play csgo and u will understand

got dubs now buy me shit

he will only understand cancer and why everyone hate russians

can someone get me h1z1? if you have the game we can duo battle royale

I'll give you shit ok, give me yo steam profile link

Get me the apex dlc for arma 3 xD I know you won't actually lol

Guy that wants apex here. Steam is spidermonkeywings

id is khanman62 get me anything from my wishlist , id is written on get

Honestly if you'd ran an illegal bedding website online for this game you could make massive amounts of cash.

buy csgo skins


wait. someone bought a skin, a SKIN, a fucking SKIN, for 1699? 1700 bucks on a texture...?

wrong link
dude, someone got offered 50 000$ on the "best" skin and he declined.

bump, i would buy it for myself but my credit card doesnt allow online payments anymore

i can gift you insugency wamma play with me?

im just amazed. how does one obtain the skins? like the guy who has the "best" skin, how did he obtain it? 50,000 dollars holy fucking shit...

yes yes pls

Give me 100 dollars to book my Lnat

Crates, Trading, Tournaments.

[email protected]

ok so that "best" skin was probably like a tournament prize or something? what about that 1700 dollar one OP has? im just wondering because this all seems like massive amounts of money and if you just get random skins from playing that game that add up to cash, well maybe im in the wrong fucking industry

op pls dark souls 3 or cs go

op creates this thread and then does nothing

are you OP? if yes give me your steamid

got 2 dubs delivar pls steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198150720831/

not op but sent it here and ill play with you

thats wrong, you get skins from cases, you get cases playing csgo. you open cases with keys that you can buy for 2.40$ and you get a item, usually shit.
thats not OP, I am op

deliver steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198150720831/ id:khanman62

No those are probably skins that were gotten from tournaments but have been traded so many times its ended up in this guys inventory.

No skins are tournament prizes. You can get boxes with a random skin in them from watching specific pro matches and some of those are $$$$. The 1600 op sold was just extreme luck in opening a case. He got the most popular pattern and knife type so it's in high demand.

ahh ok makes more sense, how often (how many hours average) of playing csgo does it take to earn a crate? is the ONLY way to open a crate through buying said keys with real money? also OP how much money have you made or lost total from csgo crates/skins would you say? sorry this is all just blowing my mind, i cannot fathom how people pay/offer so much for texture packs which i assume do not influence the game in any way, shape, or form

thanks guys really appreciate the info. in terms of the 50k skin mentioned before, is that one just super super rare/only one copy around yet?


on it

Well you would be doing me a solid, OP. I bought arma 3 2 weeks before apex came out and since apex, I can't even play the game I spent $40 on. I don't have the money for apex atm cause mother is in hospital. True shit

edit, I only deliver for trips or + now

Never heard of one going for 50k but one went fur half that because it was a rare skin type, looked totally unscratched, counted kills, and was a good knife type.


op is it okay to request sfv?

you didn't heard it because the guy who have this ietm only told some pro traders (including me). I think there's also a video that some guy made about it on youtube ?

can you explain what you mean when you say "unscratched"? these skins slowly degrade?

no, when you open the skin out of a box, it gets a float value which determines the look of the knife. It goes from 1 (worst) to 0.00xxxxx (best)

I wouldn't touch this fucking game if I were you guys. countless hackers get banned and just buy the game. thats why its always a best seller.

so a skin by itself also contains a parameter (RNG i assume) that dictates how well the skin is projected onto the actual knife?

you obv don't play csgo.

yes. (its not only for knives skins but also gun skins)

thanks, you've helped out my understanding of all this a ton