Heard you fuckers have some photshop skills. Please cut that stupid looking bitch out. She totally messes up the pic -.-

Heard you fuckers have some photshop skills. Please cut that stupid looking bitch out. She totally messes up the pic -.-

Cmon help a brother out

With those faces this pic was fucked before it was even taken

Gonna have to be more specific there

which of these bitches do you want to have cut out?

Gonna be just empty seats and a way better pic if we use the magical photoshop bitch remover


Obviously the left you idiots


there ya go

Have to call george lucas for that one


Sure, shes the one that fucked it up. Not the 3 inbred fucksticks in the picture. Faggot

also, check


You motherfucker

How about photoshopping a chin onto the first one? I mean, the 8th grader goatee helps a bit... but basically it looks like the neck and the face decided to skip the middle man and combine into one.

i got it!

Reverse PA request denied, kys

this one is it, i guess..


Thank you bro

Nice one, faggot.

sorry best I could so quick on my phone

