How do you determine when the distributive property should be used and when it should not be used?

How do you determine when the distributive property should be used and when it should not be used?

Stop asking Sup Forums for help with your homework and pay more attention in your 8th grade math class you fucking faggot

When you take the class that requires that you know what to do.

You guys don't know either.

you dont HAVE to use distributive in the related... add add THEN multiply according to pmdas, but you can distribute and still get the same thing: 2*(12) is the same as 18+6.

distributive is mostly used in algebra problems like (2+x)(3+x) where the solution is x^2+5x+6

>48 / 2 (9+3)

You tend to learn this shit in basic math.


Funny that you did it wrong

Lol'd pretty fucking hard here
Thanks, mate

Dont give me that bullshit meme crap.
You either get 288 or 2.

>48 ÷ 2(9+3)=
>48 ÷ 2(12)=
>48 ÷ 24=

And my goddamn school taught motherfuckin division first.

Get that oldpasta shit outta here.



Fuck off, division first is the goddamn rule.

Brackets come first.

BMDAS faggot

division is multiplication with the second factor

>48 / 2(9 + 3) is 48 * (1 / 2(9 + 3))

so you have to solve all of the bottom first idiot.

with the second factor inversed, sry im slightly distracted atm.



My mistake

If the homework prompt above the math problem says you have to

OP is either trolling or too stupid to know that division symbol is not used in real math due to stupid people like him.

never heard it referd to as BIMDAS only PEMDAS
parentheses, exponent, *, /, +, -. what is the BI

48 ÷ 2(9+3)=
48 ÷ (2(9)+2(3))= (distributive property)
48 ÷ (18 + 6)=
48 ÷ 24=

>parenthesis first
>the entire parenthesis is being multiplied by 2 and you can't solve the parenthesis first without using the 2.

When you get fucked in the ass do you distribute the gayness? Or nah

multiplication and division are preformed at the same time, and operations are preformed left to right.

Therefore you get 288

Calculator wins it is 2


You can only use the distributive property to distribute a factor during the multiplication/division step of PEMDAS. Since you have to preform operations left-to-right, you must divide 48 by 2 before you are able to distribute.

Therefore you have

Which is the same as if you do the problem without distribution as here:

it is ambiguous so there is not really any "solution"

anything you decide on like left to right is arbitrary shit

whoever wrote the expression is a retard

Entered into a calculator as actually shown instead of whatever bs you entered

It's 288.

PEMDAS will get u correct when not clarified.
-------- = 2

now if it was shown like this

---- x (9+3) = 288

but since it was not expressly shown like that is reverts to pemdas. paranthesis exponents multiply division add sub

u use da calculatar bruv

this thread fucking LOL

nerds arguing over a math problem on a forum on Saturday night

have any of you even seen a titty before?

excel is a calculator

ill show you on paper what its doing

yes because I know math and got a successful career in finance. And its not night yet here.

I know in your small world you think there is one timezone, but I can assure you there are multiple timezones.

The real question is why are you here on a forum watching people argue about a math problem on a saturday night instead of being out with friends looking at titties?

you are on an online forum sifting through comments to insult on a saturday night.

i came on this thread to call you all nerds

making coffee for the important employees doesn't count buttboi, but nice try

18+ board

This is an image board. I wouldn't call it a traditional phpbb forum like back in the day

Sounds like you are projecting your shitty life.

that's because you are a fucking retard.

my life is pretty great, calling out someone else's failure isn't always projecting, moron

Well you should know the difference if you were not a summer faggot. Now where do you stand?

This is a fucking ambiguous math problem. Everyone arguing got trolled.