I'm just gonna leave this here

I'm just gonna leave this here

Give us some

no you dont get back here


>hes gonna post the spilled version
>great banter.jpg

do people think this is even remotely funny?

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

Okay, I got it. I got it. Oh shi-


i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

More chocolate milk is here


Don't leave me with this amount of responsibility plz








Something happened...


Shit dude, I'm sorry

wait. no, fix this shit

Someone's samefagging so fucking hard in here
>10 times



oh fuck

Oh shit yo don't do it

Nah it's okay, I'm not that evil

youre a good man, my fellow stupid nigger, alex



I'm sorry, its beyond fixing...
It's taken a new form...

get rekt doublepost


Trader Joe Milk


oh god
nevar again


bowl of shit?
not this time

We dont take kindly to your type here...

Too late, we waited too long...


Im back.
Where did it go??

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