My neighbor's house was foreclosed and mushrooms have sprouted on his lawn...

my neighbor's house was foreclosed and mushrooms have sprouted on his lawn. can i sell them to strangers on the internet for quick cash? i don't know what they are or how to go about it while staying anonymous. any advice?

pic related

those grow everywhere here in washington. pretty sure they're not Shrooms but i never looked into it

those are vulgara muscara user. eating them will make you sick and give you the shits but not much else. only retards would buy them

I'm more leaning towards pulling a scam than selling honest shroom. i imagine they're harmless as they're growing in the lawn downtown. but they're fucking everywhere. I'm sure i could make a couple hundred if i sell them to dumb high-school kids.

can you tell what they are if i dry them up? would a newbie buy them?


Anyone who is trying to do shrooms, probably knows what they look like. Also those are almost the most common kind in North America. Not saying it's not possible, it may take some time.
Also consider that selling fake drugs is illegal in most states.


If you were trying to pull a scam just buy some ones from the grocery store and dry them out. Most people are fucking retarded. Don't feed people lawn shrooms just in case it could make people sick.

so is selling real ones so that's not really relevant is it?

buy me a new bike

good point. it was mostly curiosity

buy my fake shrooms

would selling grocery store mushrooms be considered illegal?

is it illegal for the store to sell them? I'd imagine not

if they get you saying that it is indeed supposed to be shrooms that are drugs then yes, very much.

Newfags don't fall for it your get V& real fast

Actively and knowingly misleading about products is generally a criminal matter in the states, but proving the intention to defraud is troublesome.

If I say im selling you a cell phone for $500, but its just one of those non functional display ones, thats fraud.

But, whos going to go to the police and say "THAT GUY DIDNT SEND ME MAGIC MUSHROOMS!!!" is slim to none.

Is that your mom's credit card kiddo?

Smoke crack everyday

Inkcaps coprinellus micaceus

Don't be so Shure they are harmless
I don't recognise them and they look like they are poisonous but for mushrooms you have to be Shure.
Also if you want to scam someone better try to sell them you could try drying one of them, maybe that will make them look more similar to shrooms

I honestly wouldn't fuck with this. If it gets linked back to you anyhow, at best you'd get into a fight. At worst, you made somebody sick or killed them and get arrested. You probably wouldn't get much anyway, because anyone buying shrooms in bulk would probably know how to sniff out bullshit, and low weight isn't worth the effort or liability. Do it if you want, for the lulz.

Good luck with the feds or someone knocking on your door because you killed someone.

If you are lying about the effects yes
But if you don't call them magic mushrooms but just shrooms or mushrooms all the time I doubt it would be illegal since you actually sell mushrooms

*look like they are not poisonous for fucks sake
What's wrong with me?

Plenty of lawn mushrooms are poisonous. You wouldn't make enough money to offset the time you'd be doing for murder.

But only idiots would advertise an illegal drug. So there has to be something kind of misleading in the ad anyways. No idea how ppl don't get scammed all the time to the point they don't buy them online.

Because the seller can make more money if they just sell the real thing
To grow magic mushrooms is easy af and if you scam people they won't buy again
Reputation is the key if you want to sell something on the Internet, for illegal things this is true even more since everyone (most people that are not retarded) buying them will look at your offer very closely, since they have no chance to get their money back the legal way.
Just one or two posts on some fucked up online for, that tell you are a scam, can get a drug seller out of business.
This may only be true for semi-professional website based sellers tho but I wouldn't buy from someone without reputation anyway

*online forum
Fuck autocorrect not knowing Latin

This is why I liked living in the rural city.

>population 1500
>surrounded by farms
>cows in pasture
>sheep that think they're llamas

I don't even like mushrooms that much. Ill do enough to get the giggles twice a year or so.

>city friend asks me where I get them
>"they grow everywhere around here"
>"can you get me some?"
>shroom season comes
>take a bunch of trash bags one late evening.
>fill up 5 of the bags before I get bored
>drive them up to his place
>has a shit fit and freaks out because there's no way he can sell that much

My grandpa used to own a farm. He told me about kids trespassing on his land looking for mushrooms. I got to see him blast one of them with rock salt once. Was funny as shit.

The farmers around here generally hate the kids and teenagers because they are bad at it. They'll scare and stress the cows, they'll knock over fences and cause damages.

The three farmers I know have no problem letting me wander around because im respectful, mindful, and quiet.

Rock salt?

He had shotgun shells filled with rock salt. They don't really do shit but it was loud and put a hole in the hippie's shirt. He yelped and ran leaving a trail of piss behind him.

wtf is that name on the back

It also breaks the skin and causes micro lessions which the salt penetrates and causes pretty bad pain. Ive been hit with salt pellets before. Its enough of a shock to make you think you've actually been shot for real.