Anyone know where marzia lives...

Anyone know where marzia lives. Because i really need to have sex with her right now shes pretty and im a 10/10 so if someone could tell me where she lives i can be her new boyfriend and we can cuddle very long and i put my pee pee in her one day



36-39 Western Street

She is not even good looking dude

if she is not good looking then i dont know what is

is it just me or is she the most beautiful female to ever live

Man-chin. Huge mouth. Female features would look good on a woman I guess. Aside from the eyes and the overdose of makeup there arent that many.

Strong words from a virgin

look up "marzia without makeup" and reevaluate

Beep Beep. It's my virgin radar!

Leaked she is a camgirl who wants more

lmao it's so fucking obvious that isn't her

>marzia without makeup"
Thats ugly in your category? holy fuck you must date only victoria secret models.. oh wait you dont and never will date anyone


come on then, let's have some proof it's her


would still bang. maybe not 10/10 anymore but then again, plenty of girls are 10/10s because they have the makeup n shit

thats a very old pricture


I admire her cause she decided to don't work a day in her life, make video and money by sucking PewDiePie's dick. Italian pride.

That's Niki Skyler, Drew Carey's girl.