Ask a genius anything

Ask a genius anything.

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Fellow genius here why are you on Sup Forums?

How do you sleep at night?

where can i find source of that picture?

do you think moop is ever coming back?

aaaand what exactly makes you a genius? Being a faggot is irrelevant OP

Im 12 and a half and just hit puberty. My friend who just turned 12 was watching porn and he produced sperm, i watch porn sometimes. yet nothing. Do i have any sperm at all? Is they only way to get it out by sex? please help

Why are you such an underaged retard?

How is narcissism treating you?

Also, can you answer this?

By genius, do you mean like a djinn or like the search engine for music lyric ?
If you are the first kind, I want to be able to divide by 0, if you are the second kind, I would like you to make a list of every song that have "kill youself" lyric.

what's you're IQ?

>inb4 this devolves into another shit show where everyone on Sup Forums has an IQ of 120 - 140

post more.

Back when the content was funny and interesting, I became addicted to the few particular porn varieties that couldn't be found anywhere else.

You must be pretty cool

>Back when the content was funny and interesting,
How to spot a newfag.

Why do I want to pull off the wings of three birds, staple them into a 22 year old blonde girl's back, and shave her pubes while jacking off?

Fine. Works better for others though as I'm socially retarded like the rest of you.
I don't know. B looks like it makes the most sense but that's not how real multiple choice questions work.

Anything divided by zero is undefined because just like 1/2 is the inverse of 2, 'infinity' is the inverse of zero. Although that's not how real math works. Indefinite values are useless other than to realize where we cannot use data.


Cause yer fucked mate.

where did u get this picture and can you post more?

I asked a djinn for help, not a nerd. And you are a really first degree one, I am not really fond of these kind of genius.

Second chance, could you say something both boring and interesting that is related to the jews ?

Explain in your own words what is a Butterworth filter is used for.

Ignoring everything about what the choices are besides the fact that there's four of them, I would say you'd have a twenty-five percent chance of choosing the correct one.

Now, given that two of the four choices are the same, that means that there's really only three choices. So that changes the odds from one-in-four to one-in-three.

None of the percentages reflect the odds of one-in-three, so zero percent would make the most sense, yet it also makes no sense because one of the three IS correct, so you really do have a one-in-three chance. Yet the circumstances prove that the only correct answer is NOT correct.

tl;dr This is a paradox, I think.

(not op)

great, less than me, not that it matters...

Put your cock where her mouth is please

so the answer definitely isn't b, try again "genius"
This guy is smarter than OP.

OP, you are just a narcissist exaggerating your intelligence.


you have testicular cancer

Are positrons quantum property of moving backwards in time a proof that we are already dead and this is a simulation, one of billions being run towards the end of the real universe in order to develop a solution to extenting the real universes lifetime.

You and I died a long time ago OP.

Now we only exist in billions of parallel executing simulations.

My other question is why are you always a faggot in every fucking simulation, why are you never once just not a faggot?

Although you are wrong about the one in three chance because you can't just remove one of the answers because it is the same. It being identical is a part of the problem.

Damn it stop giving me trips and dubs!

Linux, Mac or Windows?

You know you are acting like a dick do you ?

Also if you want to be the center of attention, go make a thread yourself.

Can you explain Euler-Lagrange equations to me in your own words?

will your intelligence save you from the death that everyone else will eventually experience?

You are acting like a dick by acting like a "genius." You are trying to be the center of attention, you made the thread after all.

You won't get much respect in life by being so full of yourself, as I know from experience.

You're actually retarded. Sup Forums derives its porn from other sites.

Narcissism detected.


I am a genius, too. Somewhat autistic but genius nonetheless. OP, are you a faggot?
Only reason I am asking is for research purposes.

Are you into beast?
How big is your penis?
Are you allergic to avocados

So what implications do you draw from positrons moving backward in time?

You died billions of years ago and you are one of billions of simulations of you running on a near forgotten system.

fucking truth
also checked

No Chance. Each answer negates the other. That is the answer. 0% would be an answer if it were not in the line of questioning though.

Not OP, try again.

Also when you challenge someone at something that they are better at, you should be sure that you can compete, and here you are just acting like morons.

Anything divided by zero is not infinity, its potentially any number, including infinity.

If pi is infinite with every possible number sequnce, is pi completely inside pi multiple times?

How I root bluestacks 2 kingsroot isn't working

I don't believe that has any significance.

A = 25%
B = 50%
C = 0%
D = 25%

In order for you to decide whether or not the two twenty-five percent choices should be counted as the same choice, all you have to go on is the label connected to them: A & D.

Say you were only given two choices:

A = 12
B = 12

Would you say that by picking at random you'd have a fifty percent or a one-hundred percent chance of choosing the correct answer?

I assume you'd say one-hundred percent chance (if not, I'd be interested in why). So applying that same logic to the question at hand, to me it doesn't make sense to acknowledge A and D as separate choices.

What are you talking about? I'm not in on this dick measuring contest

I see no sign of intelligent life. Just whale like egotism and almost textbook narcissism.


Narcissistic personality disorder.

>b is full of lonely 20ish white males
>even the biggest white retard has an IQ of 120

It is situational. In this instance, you can't discard either because the answer to the problem is based on the number of answers.

not genius level

I'm triggered by this response

This thread is not intended for the purpose of masturbation. I took it from an unsaucables thread. Go surf mless.
Well duh. Why else would that image exist. Questions like that have no answer. I am not interested in such questions as I am also not interested in dividing by zero.

This is not a simulation. Time is a human construct. We know this.


Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:
◾Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
◾Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
◾Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
◾Requires excessive admiration
◾Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
◾Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
◾Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
◾Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
◾Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Stop triggering me


Stop pretending like B isn't the answer.
It won't work.

Paradox. In any standard multiple choice question with four answers, 25% of the answers are correct. However, seeing as the question is referential and dependent on the answers and the answers are referential and dependent on the question, any answer being the correct answer alters whether or not each other answer is correct.
Take, for instance, if B was correct. In that case, it would be a 25% chance that a random guess would produce a correct answer, meaning that the correct answer is the wrong answer, and that there are two correct answers, raising the probability to 50%, rinse, repeat. This would cause C to be the correct answer, meaning it is a 25% chance you are right, meaning it is a 50% chance you are right, meaning it is a 25% chance you are right, meaning the problem is paradoxical and that none of the answers are correct, meaning C is the correct answer.

If you are talking about OP, I don't know.
But you aren't right about me, but how could it be with seeing only a couple messages ?
Also it seems you are not really skilled at "seeing" intelligent life, or either I am a robot, or you are telling that to your monitor.

We got a bingo. Not the first to say it was a paradox and you put in a lot of detail that wasn't exactly necessary. But you are the first to actually get it right the correct way :)

Not op, however, pi is not infinite with every possible nunber sequence. At least it's unlikely that it is.
Compare it to 0,23456789222324252627...99222223224...
It - like Pi - is an infinite non-repeating number, however, it features no 1, and no 0 in the decimals.

I disagree. I also know you are wrong but I digress as you are the center of attention are you not?

Newsflash. Being A 14 year old narcissist who thinks google gives him superpowers because he is surrounded by retards who can't use it does not equal genius, or even knowledge.

Irrelevant really, you've never done much physics and are not a graduate.

"Narcissistic Personality Disorder

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations.

In other words, life is going to teach you a few humbling lessons and you will all on your own find out you are not a genius, or even a person of note, just another of the 7 billion odd humans eating, shitting and dying on this planet..


I concede, user.


Post tits of Anne Marie and I will comply with your request.
Do it, faggot!
I know who you are.

Finally! I might get some answers here.

1) Should I run bootcamp on my 6 year old Mac?

2) What is the best alternative to iTunes for uploading music to my iPod? Why does iTunes suck so bad anyway :P

3) When is the new iPhone coming out, and will there be a version that keeps my old headphone jack?

Where did i get this ass ?

Much loco. Do you think you know everyone on the interwebz?

The NPD is strong with this one.

What have you done for the world?

Or even your little chunk of society?

Not have NPD.

I have participated in volunteer projects from cleaning parks to recreation programs. Not many though. Just enough to fill the resume.

You forgot to put a comma before "why" faggot.

Am I supposed to assume your intelligence means you are useful or know anything?

Just take some pictures of Anne Marie and post them. We can be friends after that.

How do you know it's me?

Ask me about complex shit. Let's discuss it fellow geniuses.

when i find a genius i'll ask them something then. until then i'll just wait.

Pop quiz hotshot.

Do photons have a mass that exhibits gravitation?

Tell her that Mike wants to see those sweet torpedo tits.

>pi is not infinite

You wot mate

You believe random strangers are people you know because you have delusional thinking. Like assuming you are a genius. By the way if you are 14 you are underage.

Are you raised by a single mother who dotes on you and thinks you are 'special clever; by any chance?

No. Photons actually exhibit no gravitational attractions.
I think this is fucked up, because if photons are particles they should have mass and therefore gravitational attractions.

She washes my penis before I go to sleep.

Ibid, your honor

Who is this Sup Forums?

>Sup Forums

Pick one

incorrect or unclear. Einstein correctly predicted that photons are affected by gravity wells. Not because there is mass in the photon, but because the mass that creates the gravity well actually warps spacetime. So "gravity" does affect photons.

Correct. However, Einstein was unable to provide proof of gravitational mass of the photon, and the gravity well effects of the black holes was immeasurable.
Science, nigger !

Missing a comma or well should be will, either way, your grammar sucks. You ain't no mutha fucking genius, nigga

Those tits could affect a gravity well.

