Gay shit

gay shit

or not

How disappointing...

penis penis butthole penis butthole penis penis

butthole penis penis penis







Burn the gays.


Do not post that game shit at me.



I have the urge to play league sometimes and I log in but it's like, only luke online and I lose all desire to play immmediately

also brb food

I would also abscond dismayed in the face of that circumstance.


what a lovely thread


hi nef


just got off work

thank you
now i can ride to valhalla, shiny and chrome


entertain me, worker drone

and also the fact that I suck now

do this




I'm sure you can think of a way

>and also the fact that I suck now

What he said.



You were not to blame for all the losses. Those brutes that we call teammates were dragging us down.

if the boyfriend of your best mate was cheating on him and your the only one to know it, what would you think in the first place and what would you do ?

we can go cleanse the juden together

You keep that shit to yourself because who wants to be a part of that bullshit?

I'd tell him, then abandon ship

Sounds like a plan. Come pick me up.

I HATE you

I mean

I played pretty awful

I am satisfied with how pissed off that one guy got that I played nidalee though


no you don't

That is the most exhilarating aspect of League.

I would probably be the boyfriend who was cheating too, so there is that. :^)

Oh, wait, that was not how it was last time.

what a lovely thread

stealing my lines you two-tailed sack of donkey dust

ur rite

maybe I will just play solo ranked, just for that


What if you found out they both got into swiming clubs


The fuck does that have to do with anything?

I'm always right

Wait who are you

That sounds like the worst thing ever, chiefly because everyone else gets mad at the entire team instead of you specifically, so the satisfaction lessens.

everything is okay Nef, I did it better however


So it wasnt "cheating" but they want me to get with them


"first time nidalee"

just like how stairs got banned


Alright, I never talked to you before.
Hi :3

Man, fuck Riot.

Are you a boy, and do you wear skirts?

thats Avery

Just fucking use normal language you slack-jawed turbopeasant.

Explain the situation in full instead of dribbling out little pieces and expecting others to jigsaw puzzle it.

Into the desert
Weathered forever
Desperate clouds
Follow them out
Seeing the future
Cautiously answer
It's only the plains
Sideways rain.



Are you a girl?

Two of his friends are in an open relationship and want to have a three way with him.

yeah that shit is super lame

I think if we just had everyone buck up and deal with getting flamed like in literally every other game it wouldn't be such a big deal

If that is the case, why would he say the boyfriend was cheating?

It upsets me greatly when I cannot command a teammate to kill himself after a minor blunder, and I would expect them to do the same for me.

Because he's stupid?

is kys filtered yet?

Well I though my friend was being cheates on by his boyfriend. So I told him and also asked his boyfrined. Actually they went in a swimmers club and now they want me to go with them. I adked your opinion about the situation I was like wtf


should let riot know that your multiplayer social video gaming experience is being ruined


> brain damage

I will check.

Then what redeeming qualities do you possess?

The Steam people never replied when I submitted my complaint about no longer being able to cyber when they removed /me from the chat. I have better ways to waste my time.

See, why didn't you just say this from the start?

Also it's a "swingers" club. A swingers club is for people in an open relationship. A swimmers club is for swimming.

While I don't consider it a particularly healthy thing for a relationship, I have no problem with it. Go with them if you wanna be the center-piece of a spitroast.

Maybe it's a swimmers club for swingers. Like, they swim, and also engage in sex with one another.

ugh what is the complaints box even FOR

Placebo effect, like when I say I will not woo your mother.

Would it be like normal swimming, or like sexualized synchronized swimming?

normal swimming. What are you, some kind of pervert?

she still asks about you sometimes, usually in relation to movies

you're a devil

lying down

Was this not already common knowledge?

How very delightful.

I don't even know who you are.

Probably for the best
