Be me

>Be me
>mowing lawn
>in shorts
>pain in leg

What the fuck is this thing that my lawnmower just spat into my leg? It was at the edge of my driveway and the sidewalk.

I'm leaning toward skateboard part, but I'm far too fat and uncoordinated to recognize it.

Moar images.



oh please user.....its a fucking one go smoke some green


Interesting if true. Given that it's solid metal, I kind of doubt though.

Also, not into weed. Tried once years and years ago, did not like. Just not for me, so I wouldn't have any sort of a clue.

Looks like a Flux capacitor, incase your headlights go out use it to add headlight fluid.

I thought potentially car or small engine part, as well, but couldn't recognize it.

It's a pinch hitter, kind of strange it's undamaged by the lawnmower though, and they are usually solid metal. Good find, put it to use.

Image/link for reference? Given the range of answers so far, and the reliability of Sup Forums, doubts remain.

Thats what im saying!!!!!

leterally second image.

Literally* Fuck my fingers being stupid.

Righto, thanks user.

Not something I need/want. Good to know there's careless druggies in the neighborhood, though.

we call those dugouts.

where is the damage from being hit by the mower?

Now just get a dugout and your pot smoking efficiency triples. Nice catch user. Has it even been used?

"We" Don't group yourself with us, dumbass.
It's a pinch hitter, a dugout is what you stick the pinch hitter in to pack it.
Learn your shit.

Don't give a shit. Pitched it. Given that such things are illegal in my state, I do not want to have it anymore.

Again, don't think such things should be illegal. Just not my bag, baby. I'm busy enough with my own life to deal with the police.

Amen, all in all aside from one small thing, simple yet entertaining thread.
From one chill user to another, smoke a bowl for me dude.