Evening Sup Forums

evening Sup Forums

time for a puzzle thread

buy a 1 gallon jug. this puzzle is too easy

>put both jugs in bucket
>throw bucket down stairs
>buy superglue (not sponsored)
>make a 1 gallon jug
Too easy

Full the three gallon jug, pour in 5 gallon jug, repeat again to fill up the 5 gallon jug and the 3 gallon jug has only 1 jug. No milk wasted

>Fill 3 Gallon jug.
>Empty 3 Gallon jug into 5 Gallon jug.
>Fill 3 Gallon jug.
>Fill 5 Gallon jug using 3 Gallon jug until full.
>3 Gallon jug now contains 1 Gallon.

Fill 3 gallon jug, pour into 5 gallon jug. Fill 3 gallon jug again and use it to fill 5 gallon jug. 3x2 is 6, 5 gallon jug only holds 5, 1 gallon left over in 3 gallon jug. What do I win, darkskin?

pour two fives into a bucket then tak three three gal out whats left is 1.
math: (2x5)-(3x3)=1

God dammit Mcclane your not supposed to cheat!

One. Why is there a milk man
2. Theres no milk
C) why does ue wanna know
â–ªhes a dipshit for not knowing what a gallon is


A lilypad doubles in size each day.
In 28 days, the lilypad will cover the entire pond.

In how many days will the pond be half covered?

14 days if you are asking how many days it takes from base size to cover half.

19 days. Praise be to Google.

Are the jugs full?

Who cares, bulldoze that shit m8

27 days

it doubles ever day, so if it covers whole pond, one day ago it was half of the pond

This is a trick question. There are no more milk men.

27 days...

27 days,
These people are fucking retarded


A farmer puts six pigs into four pens.
None of the pens are empty.
None of the pens contain an uneven number of pigs.

How did he manage this?

O shit I fucked up

Thats what I get for rushing.

This is literally that puzzle from kotor with the shark

all the pens are inside each other

1 pig each in 3 pens and 3 pigs in the fourth.

>none of the pens contain an uneven number of pigs

Oops, I read it as none of the pens contain an even number. I'm gunna so suck my dog's dick now.


Jim and Wanda both have some apples. If Jim gives Wanta an apple, they will both have the same number of apples. However, if Wanda gives Jim an apple, Jim will have twice as many as Wanda. How many apples do Jim and Wanda each have?

7 and 5, respectively

pics or it didn't happen

jim has 5 and wanda has 4

son of a bitch i counted my paper wrong

jim has 7 and wanda has 5

I would fill 1/3 of the 3 gallon jug

If jim gives Wanta an apple she'll have 5 and he'll have 4, other guy got it first with 7 and 5

I know, I just misread the paper I was doing the computing on when I typed it out

If Wanda blows Jim she can have all the apples.

wanda's bjs aren't worth that many apples

You clearly don't know Wanda

Oh muh nostalgias

wanta has no apples, wanda has apples.

trick question nice try op

You cant have double of zero