Dentists of Sup Forums. how fucked am I?

dentists of Sup Forums. how fucked am I?
I know about the chip on the bottom set. getting that sorted tomorrow.

well im not a dentist but...

ya done goof kiddo.

Do you smoke?

I know. Fuck...

I've been smoking for a year. 0-4 a day

lol I've smoked a pack a week for 8 years and my teeth are nowhere near that fucked.

Do you do hard drugs?

>dentists of Sup Forums

No. just shit af teeth hygene

Sorry, we'll have to amputate leg along with your genitals.

Yeah, this is pretty bad. That shit is an abcess just waiting to happen. I had one recently because of a gap between my teeth. Seriously, good luck dealing with the pain. It makes literally half my face feel like an elephant is standing on it with ice climbing boots.

as long as my teeth stay intact

I can guarantee I am more fucked... I'm not going to post pics but just brush OP you'll be fine

Wtf do you smoke meth or something? Those are some chompers boy

Nope. Like I said, just shit hygene. I've fucked up

Stop smoking.
Get them filled.
Brush your fucken teeth god damn.

How many fillings do you think?

Lmao at least 5

12, maybe more.
top 3 on both sides and bottom 3 on both sides.

More maybe for the 2 infront of the really black one on the left pick (left side of mouth) same for right side. up and down :/

You've got to be fucking kidding me

Not too much compared to what i've already seen here

Just start taking care of it and you'll be fine

you're going to need a ton of tartar scrubbing with a pick, after that you'll need 10-15 fillings depending on xrays and closer inspection, maybe less if you're lucky, and definately 2 root canals if you want to save those bottom molars, you can get them pulled to be cheap but root canals arent any more painful than fillings these days.

When was the last time you went to the dentist?

We're in the same boat OP. Haven't been to the dentist since 2010 and that's when I got like 10 cavities filled. I'm probably looking at the same again, possibly more

Thanks for the info man. How long do you reckon this would all take? Also would you recommend just getting the molars pulled or have them re rooted?

Not even that bad. Far worse teeth out there bro.

Why do you have four more teeth than me?

My molars came through like a normal person

Nah I'm just more evolved than you

Just pull the molars. It's done most of the time in my country as a precautionary measure. People find them hard to clean apparently so they often go bad.