Why is there so many traps in todays world?

Why is there so many traps in todays world?

Was there this many MtF Fags in ancient times? >(Golden age of Rome)

that kinda time line..

Has the internet and the world influence people to believe that they're Female instead of Male? Or vise versa?

Was there any MtF Fags back then?

Other urls found in this thread:


When it comes to sex, absolutely nothing is new. It's all been done before.



more people just feel safe to come out of the closet, there are still so many people who will go their entire lives wanting to be a tranny but never go through with it.

plus advancements in hormones/surgeries make it not completely hopeless

this thread needs some retro traps




Go on!

I don't have the source on me but I remember that it had something to do with being in an abusive or negligent relationship with your parents that causes a lot of psychological issues

I'm not sure OP. Honestly, I just want to see a trap who looks so much like a woman (not obvious in the face or shoulders) that I have no idea it's a trap until you see they have a penis. There's something about it that fucks with my head, and I like it





moar old porn for my nostalgia boner


You kidding me?

So !any women wanted to dress and act like men, we see it as NORMAL now.

They just don't call themselves men because men can't ALSO dress as women, they want it all. Same with traps fleeing demonized masculinity to feel desired.

