Political Scientist here. Ask me anything about the election, ISIS, foreign relations, Wolf Blitzers hemorrhoids...

Political Scientist here. Ask me anything about the election, ISIS, foreign relations, Wolf Blitzers hemorrhoids, anything.

Why should I ask you about any of those things over any other random person?

Because I know more about those topics than the average person. By a very large margin.

Who do YOU think will win in november?

First off it doesn't matter. The President is mostly a figurehead. People worry about the presidential election because it's one person, when really congress is the most important election in November. The President is commander in chief which is just about the only significant job they have. Hillary will probably win because a lot of people don't like her, but a lot of people outright hate Trump and think he's immature.

If hillary wins what does our relationship with russia look like?

Ok fine.

What's the biggest problem facing our country?

Does BLM have any merit or is it mostly just bullshit?

What, if anything, should be done about IS?

just fine. despite the abhorrent hypocrisy on the part of democrats, hillary herself attempted to reconnect with russia and wipe the past away with the rest button incident (which liberals can't seem to remember when bashing trump about any russian relations).

obama and hillary.. that administration. yeah. they made a fake button and all, in 2008 was it?, actually fucked up on the translation for the word "reset" (i think it was that one), and made asses of their selves the world over.

> the superpower, and it can't translate one fucking word

Well Putin actually likes Trump. Which is scary in and of itself. I think Putin sees Trump as a fool who won't really be a challenge to suppress on an international relations standpoint. Hillary has already dealt with Putin as Secretary of State so she's already got experience dealing with him and other leaders. It'll probably be very similar to how Obama has dealt with Russia, a lot of posturing, some mistakes dealing with the proxy war in the Middle East, but overall nothing significant will change over 4 years.

Hasnt she taken a more hawkish aproach towards russias involvement in syria though?

Could Trump actually strong arm Mexico into building the Great Wall of America?

Can a human impregnate a wolf/

Do you think she will be reelected

BLM has a small amount of merit, there is overwhelming evidence of police brutality and overreaction when dealing with black people. That said the vocal minority has taken hold of the group and it's mostly turned into a loud mass of angry racists. It's unfortunate because they're undermining an important chance to open a dialogue about race relations and policing.

Bipartisan politics is the biggest problem facing the country since it started. You have Democrats and Republicans and no other significant opposition to either party. So most issues are decided by whichever party takes a stance first, so the other party is forced to take the opposite stance. Neither party is always right, and there's good opinions on both sides, but since you can either take the affirmative stance or the null it's a total fucking mess.

Obama's biggest international fuck up was the red line in Syria. We looked really weak after saying we wouldn't tolerate chemical weapons and then doing nothing about it.

Under Obama's administration there were definitely mistakes. Do I think Trump can do a better job? Not really. Putin has absolute power and we require a mandate from the masses before any significant decisions can be made. It's not a level playing field.

>there is overwhelming evidence of police brutality and overreaction when dealing with black people

You're a lying sack of shit.

No. That will not happen, it's just a soundbite and an issue that many racists in this country agree with. Too expensive and unrealistic. Mexico is actually a great neighbor.

>mandate from the masses

Bullshit. Are you fucking 14?

Now, Skeeter... He ain't hurtin' nobody...

Too early to say since she isn't even elected yet. Assuming she doesn't fuck up royally and the Republican Party doesn't have any serious opposition to her it would be likely.

We're an 18 trillion dollar economy. We can afford that fence easily. Hell, the money we'd save in the first year would fund it.

Pretty much everything you're saying has a massive liberal bias to it. In other words, it's full of shit.

And the "because racism" part, oh fuck you. Disagreement doesn't fucking mean racism.

It's true. That said, 99% of the poster children of BLM are thugs or people who incorrectly dealt with the police. I think in a majority of cases the police handle the situations as delicately as they could, but there are still instances of brutality that are unacceptable. They are rare, but the evidence is there. If the BLM movement stooped making martyrs out of thugs and criminals they would have a much more broad appeal.

Not OP, but you're 100% right. Illegals send BILLIONS of US dollars to Mexico every year, money that could be spent here. And the statistics show that illegal immigrants do actually commit crime (violent crime especially) than the American populace. Anyone who denies these things is being intellectually dishonest.

No, without the public support on the Syria issue Obama couldn't do anything about the chemical weapons. The people need to be strongly in support of military action before a President can risk his career in politics by fumbling another middle east intervention.

If it is true, can you supply statistics that show a bias? Not in raw numbers please.. per capita. And honestly, do your numbers have any kind of valid context? Like.. was the perp violent in nature? Did he point a weapon at the officer?

I've looked everywhere.. and I can't find any statistics that prove blacks are disproportionately shot or abused by police. In fact, I find the opposite.

Could we afford the wall? Absolutely. Would it be a good investment? Not really. The migrant workers work mostly labor jobs, they pay taxes, and they don't take out social security. Do I think everyone who supports a wall is a racist? No. But it's a significant number of supporters that just don't like the idea of people coming to America and using the school system, etc.

It could be the case, I'm not sure. I really don't care about the immigration issue since it doesn't affect me. I've never had a job taken or threatened by a migrant worker, and I don't really see them as a huge threat.

how difficult was it to get your degree? what level of education have you attained? where do you work? How much do you make per annum? is there any proof you can provide to confirm you are not pube from Sup Forums with a talking stick shoved up your tight little rectum?

You're talking about shit that just happened yesterday (figuratively-speaking) and you're too fucking idiotic to realize that that in and of itself proves you're wrong.

That was action without a mandate, genius. The American people had no say in that. Same for Obamacare. This shit is shoved down our throats, without mandate.

Next you'll be acting like the Obama admin is a transparent organization, and harping on about transparency.


It would be a great investment. You're fooling yourself, and making a fool out of everyone else by trying to act like it isn't.

I cannot supply any actual evidence at this time I'm on mobile, but there are quite a few cases where a man was shot or killed without doing anything violent or reacting in any way that showed I'll intent. Anyone who reaches for a gun or pretends to draw on police is absolutely justly killed because how crucial their reaction times are when patrolling. I wouldn't take a chance that that kid I just stopped was just pulling a finger on me, I would treat every aggressive action and movement as dangerous.

>Political Scientist

Political "Scientist"

This. Came into the thread just to post the same thing. Satisfied someone beat me to it.

Difficult. 8 years of reading and writing 100s of pages of paper and articles. Masters in poli sci, degree in public admin. I don't exactly work in the field, but I do have a government job in the public safety sector.


You're a lying piece of shit with no knowledge of the real world, with no data to back up your claims.

Fuck off already. I won't go so far as to say you're not in college, you aren't being taught about politics, etc.. but I will say that it's believable. Because they actually teach this liberal, lie-filled lunacy these days.


>The President is mostly a figurehead
>really congress is the most important election

Except the president can veto anything congress tries to do. It's almost impossible for a party to push their legislative agenda if they don't have the White House as well. Also the next president is likely going to appoint several justices to the Supreme Court.

I knew you were dumb when you said you were a political scientist, but you don't have any fucking clue what you're talking about do you?

Right... Obama did nothing in Syria because he didn't have the supoort. It would have been unpopular. I don't really see your argument?

We apply the scientific method to an unscientific process. Several subfields in the school are profoundly unscientific, but where we use data and numbers is where we excel at using actual real science. You can test methods and study patterns of data relating to voting and biters and come up with scientific material, but by and large the most political science people hear about are opinion pieces, not the hard science. Voter turnout, polling, party identity, these are the boring nuts and bolts of political science. It's all real science in my opinion but it's not sexy so no one cares about it. They just wanna know "WHO GONNA WIN?"

Obama ran on a platform of reforming healthcare in 2008. His victory was the mandate. If the American people didn't want it, McCain would have won.

I'm not siding with BLM. I think they are an organization that was taken over by a vocal outraged group of racists. I support the police and I think in most instances they are justified. But there are clear examples of police who acted intentionally to harm a nonthreatening individual, they're rare, but they happen.

The current President is in charge of appointing supreme court justices, the Republican congress is just blocking any appointment as a posturing move. Do not think for a second that it's not his responsibility, congress is impeding his ability to do his job just for political reasons.

Yes the President has veto power but Obama has only vetoed 10 pieces of legislation. It's not a popular move for the President to deny the will of congress so it rarely happens over the last two administration's.

> they are rare, but they happen

would you fucking stop? so are examples against whites.

i ask again.. do you have any fucking proof, whatsoever, that the abuse is disproportionate? can you in any fucking way demonstrate that your bullshit is factual?

your feelings don't matter. you see stories pushed by media about a black shooting, while dozens of white shootings aren't mentioned. that isn't reality, that's media sweetheart.

I don't think it's disproportionate. I do think there are examples. I also think there are a large number of instances where police action was just and correct, but I'm not going to sit here and say the police are right 100% of the time, that they don't make mistakes, and that there aren't bad cops. You can't put blinders on, with every issue there's two sides and the truth is almost always somewhere inbetween.