Hey b, im doing a commercial to get people to use rechargeable batteries...

Hey b, im doing a commercial to get people to use rechargeable batteries. If you help me come up with and idea i'll gift you something on steam, 15 dollars max because im not a rich fag.

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First idea that came to my mind you could make the users of non-rechargable batteries look like some sort of drug-addicts or someone with food stamps waiting to get new batteries and on the opposite side of the wall there would be those people who live a more happier life, just because they have rechargable batteries and maybe if it's too dramatic then the rechargable battery users maybe might find a way to break the wall, by using some equipment that is powered by these batteries.
Steam id: steamcommunity.com/id/HenrickTheGreat/

Do your homework yourself, faggot.

Its not really homework, you can win like 3,500 $.

Huh quite good, i'll see if somebody else has any other ideas aswell. I'll add you soon either way.

"Hey, what should I do with these dead batteries?"
"Oh, they're dead? Toss 'em"
dude proceeds to litter them on the street
time lapse to a growing trash pile/toxic dump where he tossed them
banner text "Why keep buying what you don't have to?"
"Do your part, use disposable batteries"
^ I'll take Don't Starve Together 2-pack plz

What if the game is $50?

Like this one too. I'll add you in a minute aswell if i dont get more responses.

The process for manufacturing rechargeable batteries pollutes up to 4x as producing and disposing of normal batteries, so there isn't really any sound ecological reasoning for using rechargeable batteries.

Well uf the idea wins me the 3500 then i'll gladly get that for you aswell.

I think the battery comitee wants to continue jacking themselfs off because on their website they say it's more ecological. Do you have a source?

>Kid is playing with a toy car
>Oh no it's out of batteries!
>he walks over to his dad's wallet
>pulls out a $20
>takes it over to the paper shredder
>shot of the money coming out of the bottom in ribbons
>Toy car lights up and starts working again
>"ReCharge, because buying batteries sucks."

Make the batteries that are dead drop on a grassy, flower filled garden, then speed into a timelapse and look at the garden degrade.
"Recharge for a greener future"

Hippies fall for that shit.

Very true, my favorite so far i think but im not sure yet.

here you go OP if this doesn't work there's no point in anything else

Do you think i could just have this picture up for the whole duration of the commercial maybe?

yes if people wont buy rechargable because it's cheaper then what even is the point

money talks

Hey op i'm the recharge for greener future guy, add me on steam i can throw in some more ideas for the aesthetic for the whole commercial

Eh cinematography wise im pretty fine, just looking for ideas. Dont worry i'll add you if the thread dies and i havent got any better ideas.

Include a dollar counter that increases each time you drop batteries on the pile.

Thing that i wanted to add is actually, when doing the greener future thingy, you can include one for your wallet too, because like user said up there, money talks