I haven't felt this way about a movie or cartoon hero since I was a kid

I haven't felt this way about a movie or cartoon hero since I was a kid.

He has integrity, and is a true hero. I was hyped for him the same way I was hyped for Power Rangers as a kid. I feel inspired to be a better man because of him.

you fucking nazi

He's a great character it's too bad marvel owns him. They're gonna fuck him up before after Evans moves on

I go to the gym because of captain america

>liking capeshit.
into the it goes

Sorry to break this to you OP...


inb4 Fascist rises



The jews won't ruin this for me. Chris Evans will never say that

lol how did he get his arm caught in a vice. it's like when homer simpson got his hand stuck in a vending machine

Why are Cap's shoulders so ridiculously huge? He's bigger than Thor or Iron Man in his suit. Does he use shoulder pads or something?

>captain america
>makes money

>>The jews won't ruin this for me. Chris Evans will never say that
>actor makes money by acting
>implying anyone other than whore Feige has creative control on anything in MCU

>muh Bucky

I would've fucking love to see this new bullshit make it's way into the MCU, effectively retconning every Captain America movie into lies and bullshit. Holy heck that'd be pretty amazing.

So uh... they can't just extremis Rodies legs to work again?

I thought they we're actually gonna do something major to at least one character. They had the perfect opportunity to at least make the guy a cyborg, and they just made him a cripple?

Well, that's what i get for expecting something to actually happen in these marvel movies
>No tragic cyborg
>No dead "goliath"
>No dead sidekick, Buck or Wingman
>And definitely no dead Cap

Fuck these guys can't just stop holding punches. Nobody never dies.

Some new random side-character is probably gonna get Thano-decked in the last film though. Maybe Warlock in the part 2, after they bring him out in the first part.

>Some new random side-character is probably gonna get Thano-decked in the last film though.
How I am sure it is Hawkeye ?

What's the story here? Mind control? Double agent shenanigans?

>liking a literal fascist

He's right because he can beat someone up. Bravo OP

I am not fond of MCUddit flicks but I love his character

I like Chris Evans and I quite like Captain America.
Things I dislike: they portray him as an awkward laughing stock at times. Nobody respects him. He doesn't command respect like I imagine the Captain America of the comics doing. He's a good person, a great person, sure, but he's too... beta.

>can't act
>no charisma
>no personality
I'm pretty sure you just want to fuck him.

Mind control

I feel the same way OP.
Hes easily my favorite super hero.
I will fucking cry if he dies in Infinity Wars.

He's got a ton of respect, got everyone in the building to step up against hydra in winter soldier, always the strategist, people shit their pants upon meeting him. What more do you need to know he's respected? He's never been one to strut about like a cunt though.

>I will fucking cry if he dies in Infinity Wars.

He's too quiet, too soft spoken. I don't want to hear about how he is a 90 year old virgin or hasn't kissed a girl in a century. He doesn't act the part, for me, honestly. Captain America needs to act like a leader. Part of that might be Evans` soft voice. He`s not bad ass enough to convincingly portray Captain America the way I understand him.

I don't know if you expect shuck and jive nigger shenanigans every time he's on screen but part of his charm is that he was the biggest beta in the world but steps up when he has to. Getting super strength doesn't change the experiences that molded you. Plus he's out of his age by 60 years, I bet you'd feel and look pretty fucking awkward.

t. marvel employee

>shuck and jive nigger shenanigans
Back to your containment board, buddy.

They put him in the vice when he was alseep

The captain finally understood who are the true good guys.


Suck a bbc boy, I'm talking about flicks here.

you realize by posting that same shit over and over you're just as cancerous as the unreasonable racists?

I like Cap because he is a virgin like me.

>shuck and jive nigger shenanigans
I need to start saying this

Hey faggot. Stop your shuck and jive nigger shenanigans.

I watched a video where they read a speech made by Red Skull in the recent comic and I totally agree with it.

ffs Hydra have always been the good guys no wonder the Cap joined them.


1. I've only ever posted that shit once.
2. Telling idiots to leave is not the same as posting racism on a blue board (which is a rule violation).
3. Take your own advice. Ignore our comments, move on, and contribute healthy related discussion to the thread.

He finally caught on to the machinations of the Jews.


Is this trolling?
Seriously Hydra makes perfect sense.

those idiots in marvel are so far gone with the SJW circlejerk, they accidentally made Hydra the good guys.

>everything he said was right
>but he is the bad guy so he will be in the wrong

Red skull ate Professor Xs brain or some shit.

fucking cancer ruining this image board

>Nearly kills a bunch of soldiers doing their job during CW.
>Says he dislikes people hiding secrets from him yet he never told Tony about his parent's muder.
>I feel inspired to be a better man because of him.

Yes. So to make him and his colleagues badguys they adding random moment when they wearing bomb belt.

Hail fucking Hydra

Guy that made First Avenger also directed Rocketeer and visual effects for Star Wars's first trilogy.

Im with you, OP

Nice Trips Satan

That nigga a true hero, he a role model for my wife's son

Why is he talking to a neo nazi ?

edgy nigger

We don't know yet, but you can bet it'll be some mind control dohicky. Probably the Red Skull.

And the next page has him making his men do suicide bombings JUST to make sure you know he's a bad guy.

>Why is a skinhead talking to a neo nazi?
Are you sure you're old enough to post here, senpai?