What average household things can i get high on? ive tried air duster and cough syrup so far and they both suck

what average household things can i get high on? ive tried air duster and cough syrup so far and they both suck

shameless bump


This is true


sniff some cock, get high on a hard on
sniff an ass, get dizzy on methane

How about you stop being a poor ass faggot and buy some weed? Or are you too broke now that you aren't living with mummy?

-apple slices

cheap moonshine

put on space heater set to lowest power wrapped in towel

one week later, cheap moonshine

weed can be hard to find when you're an autistic anti-social shut in yo.

try cough syrup again. get something that has ONLY DXM, not any of the extra drugs, and take an actually adequate amount. like 300-600mg.

Not a household item but paracetamol plus codein
You can buy them over the counter at any drug store ask for the 15mg ones and take 6 at a time for a good trip. Dont take more then 12 a day though you WILL od otherwise

how can you even stand it? i mixed it with sprite and everything and it still tasted like literal horse shit

Always nutmeg bro

I recommend at least a big bottle of delsym, or two bottles of robo of pill or liquid variety. delsym will be longer and more mellow than the robo, and robo pills are good if you cant shut your taste buds down.


No. Fuck you. once, never again. I felt like utter shit for 2 straight days.

You can get it in pill form. There's some (I think) generic brand that has like twenty 15mg capsules. So anywhere between 1-2 bottles of the capsules, which go down very easily, will work will.

If I am using for the actual "drinkable" version for some reason, I tend to just take small chugs.

Don't mix, therefore a smaller volume of liquid. It'll taste bad no matter what. Also deslym tastes pretty good at 1st and they make robitussian soft gels that are only dxm so buy/steal thise

Air horns

Haha yea it's not fun. you didn't qualify the question as such now did you?

Nut meg

kek, say good bye to your liver

Paint thinner or adhesive remover

Extra strength tussin


wrap an orange in tinfoil and put under bed for a few months, then take it out and smoke or eat it and you will high as fuck.

Extra info on this
Paracetamol will make a grown man od at 6grams each pill contains 500mg of paracetamol and 15mg codein. Dont know what codeins od limit is but i know its ridiculously high. If you want to take the codein but no paracetamol use a method of extraction called cold water extraction in wich codein has a higher absorbion rate then paracetamol and cooling water down makes the absorbion ratio worse so cracking a whole sheet into 250ml of water then bringing it to a cool temp will leave you with a solution mainly codein. Filter it through a coffee filter to skim off the paracetamol. I havnt discribed it well so please google it if you actually want to do it cause otherwise you might destroy some of your drugs. Also you can also get ibuprofen plus codein so if you take 6 paracetamol plus and 6 ibuprofen plus you can get super fucked up with no od

Are you that determined to fry your braincells? There are tons of drugs that won't actual fuck you like household items. Please reconsider and just wait until you can get some.

Vanilla extract, any extract will get you drunk really.

If you're in the UK you can buy this. 600mg of Codeine per bottle, no Paracetamol to worry about or anything else.

i just did ~200 mL of dxm and all i got was a little dizzy. never done it before and it absolutely sucked because 3 hours later and i can still taste the ass and still fucking dizzy

How the fuck can you legally buy OTC opiates in uk but it's illegal to own a stick if you aren't a Muslim?

Thats not how you make moonshine faggot

piss in a bottle, say some magic words, and bam pure alcohol

True story, you can get high smoking cat shit.

>Very few pharmacies carry it
>Go online
>Limit 1 per customer
>Limit 1 order every 3 months
Doesn't stop me cycling through the online pharmacies that do stock it to place my orders regularly though

That's Mead not moonshine

Benadryl... Lots of it

mead needs honey not sugar. that's just... desperation hooch

Air horn gas.

Know any good Mead recipes?

is that what those guys are saying when they mention "loud?"

Get a bucket, bleach, & ammonia. Combine in the bucket & inhale.

Imodium AD.

Be sure to down a ton of grapefruit juice, tonic water and black pepper beforehand. Take some Tagamet for good measure. Pop about 20-50 Imodium and enjoy your nod.

Well, does your house have a Holy Bible in it?

immediately BWRAAAAAAAAAPPPP comes to mind.

That's bollocks, I've taken 12 cocodamol before. If I had any in the house I'd even do it on cam it to prove it but I don't.

>Get a bucket, bleach, & ammonia. Combine in the bucket & inhale.
>tfw you try to get high off mustard gas

Second this. Did some DPH just now. Can't wait

You can try dried out lavander with tobacco.

Apple wine

I would tell you, but you're just gonna say my ideas suck so fuck you in advance.

yum yum vallium

synthetic cannibis

My nigga

Hard to get mdma for the same reason, :/

all you have to do is walk up to someone who you think smokes and say, "hey i m new around here know anywhere i can score some weed"

theyll either say yes or no, thats it, move onto the next person.