Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Is this herpes? I've had these small bumps on my dick for a while now


No one on Sup Forums is a doctor. Go see one dumbass

That's aids bitch

das herp yo

is there any way you can get rid of them?

you have hair on your shaft, sucks to be you

i'd worry more about the fact that you're growing hair half way up your dick tbh

why dont you just google pictures of different STD's and check yourself

Mayonaise on your dick twice a day should get rid of it in 3-4 days

Probably a zit. Pop it or freeze it off.

yeah, a fucking wart remover

Different angle

probably warts

you can take medication to reduce/eliminate symptoms, but you got it forever

see a doc, and for christ's sake, don't listen to .......it'll help them spread

Was the area itchy before they appeared? Did they ooze at all, then scab up? Herpes is pretty fucking painful too.

i have HSV2 (herpes)
That's exactly what it looks like.
i could post my medicine if you don't believe me

>obligatory "it's AIDS" post

did you fuck a CL hooker?

yeah man, cant be sure what exactly it is at this point, either warts or start of herps. need to see a doc, and for god sakes trim your shit before you go, animal

They look too separate to be herpes but get yourself checked, it could be fordyce spots that have become infected or hair follicles that became infected considering hair is sticking out of a lot of them right in the middle of each bump.

Yeah Herpes. If it was a clogged up hair, the warts would be white. Herpes shows up like that. Go to a doctor ASAP, you need to get meds for that to suppress it.

yes, again, it's very much like what HSV looks like. source: having it

Wow those are some long pubes

Herpes actualy looks like burns in a circle form.

Freeze them off.

I have doctor diagnosed hpv (genital warts). They look like what you've got there. Doctor can freeze them off or burn them off with acid. Pretty much everyone you ever meet will get them on some part of their body at some point in their lifetime. But yeah, the virus that causes them will go to the grave with you, well, except for the ones you leave in guys' butts.