Ask a Protanopia Colourblind anything?

Ask a Protanopia Colourblind anything?
Just bored really

Am I meant to see anything on this?


>he can't see it
I've got bad news for you, user.



try again

Soz bro, join the club


I already know I'm red/green colour blind.
Who knows what else.

Do you have the colourblind option on League?

Protan/deutan here aswell. OP Did you know we cant see rainbows!!!

In Wow too.
Just about any game that allows it.
I used to do top end raiding in wow, had to stop because some of the spell effects in newer raids would completely fuck with my eyes.

Then they added a colourblind option

... I can see Rainbows? Tbf it isn't that bad, I think I see everything normally just slightly off. Like a shade of red or purple would look slightly different from a usual normie. Tbh no one actually knows im colourblind.



Deuteranopia masterrace reporting in.

Ah. You're the Asperger of the colourblind spectrum.


seriously. is there something in that?

Please explain your analogy.

I don't know, can't see it either

Just felt like bullying, sorry


>not seeing a hideous fanged demon with blood dripping from its claws