You have 30 seconds to find a flaw

You have 30 seconds to find a flaw

too old

user 1 - thread 0

Into infants, huh? Dat cool bro. I don't judge

Yeah why are you posting child's pic and asking for flaw?

She has no eyebrows

>doesn't lift
>doesn't own a gun
>can't protect his family

It's what all the cool kids do now

Well you should mate. Thats sick!

Fuck outta here new fag

She's blonde m8, she has eyebrows

Go Fuck Yourself.You sick Bastard

10/10 came twice already

Car not parked correctly
Not using full space
Obviously a woman driver


We are all sick

If I had a dollar everytime spotting a pedophile I would be rich by now

Congratulation now you are a perfect human being

Go outside and take your gun. Make america great again

You need english classes

I can't wait until Trump loses and I finally get to stop hearing this meme.


far from it

I can't wait until Trump wins and fucks everything up. It will be hilarious from outside

brown eyes

She looks like a fucking demon, a fucking DEMON

Chill fam

She's a kid what did you except

>Trump wins
But that's not the deal he and Hillary made.

She probably doesn't like my favorite movies. What an uncultured person.

1. Where's the eyebrows?
2. Ugliest grille to go in a CR-V.
3. ???
4. Profit.

Who you talking to?

>It will be hillaryous from outside


The girl in OP's picture.

I bet she knows nothing about neuroscience either. Pfft.