So can vegans eat honey? What if they get a little cut, can they lick their blood? Can they sit on leather...

So can vegans eat honey? What if they get a little cut, can they lick their blood? Can they sit on leather? I feel like all vegans should just graze like a cow.

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no, yes, yes, maybe

Veganism isn't about what substances you can or can't eat, it's about what went into making them.
So if the production of a food involves the disturbance or control of any living thing it's a no-go.

Honey; requires bees to be kept in a farm, so it's a no-go.

Your own blood, comes from you, so it's up to you whether you want to ingest it, but there is nothing about being a vegan that would stop you doing that.

So if I hunted a deer in the wild and ate it would I be considered a vegan? Since it's not in captivity?

No, because you fucking shot the deer you retard, that's making a pretty significant change to it's life against it's will, isn't it?

What if it wanted to die and be eaten?

So I can't shoot deers if I'm a vegan. Ok. So how about free ranged? Can I eat that?

vegans don't use leather products as you have to skin emeralds for it.

So you're completely against the idea of any kind of food chain whatsoever in the animal kingdom too?

Or does your retardation only exist on the human level?

Then you'd have to find a way to prove that a non-speaking creature wanted to die, which I think you'll find difficult.

It's really not that hard to understand this stuff, just google it. Unless you're actually not interested and just want to annoy vegans.

(For clarity, I'm not vegan, but strict vegetarian, and get pissed off with people misunderstanding basic shit)


How about fish? They don't have briars right? So they wouldn't know any different

So when you see nature programmes and animals eating other animals, does it make your blood boil? Just seeing that needless disturbance of one animals life to sate the hunger of another.

i'd love to see a vegan answer this

What if it's life wouldn't exist if we didn't let it's parents breed so we could eat it. It's life was only allowed to happen so he could be consumed. Do you think the cow would rather not be born at all? BecAuse that's the choice, not born at all or born to be eaten.

as I just said I'm not vegan, but no, vegans won't be going around breaking up fights between lions and antelope.

It's about the fact that humans are more evolved than NEEDING to kill and alter animals lives. And therefore we shouldn't do it.

No fish don't have Briars, so fair game... FML.

If being a vegan makes people as retarded as it seems, then hopefully a bit of social Darwinism will put a stop to this nonsense.

is vegetarian the one where you only eat animals fed exclusively with vegetables?

>ITT middleschoolers discuss a diet that they cant follow because their moms wont let them

I can eat vegans.

Yes, Vegans (again, I'M NOT FUCKING VEGAN) would rather a Cow was not bred to die, that would be pretty fucking obvious following the one fucking rule I said in my first post.

define "more evolved"
in reality humans are not even remotely special
the fact that humans are the smartest is akin to the fact that giraffes have the longest necks


But aren't we all just animals living as parasites on this planet?

what about if a dude ate his wife's placenta?

nigga we're all bred to die

Yes is this vegan?

So vegans want cows to be extinct, got it.

more evolved than an animal, which we are.

Everything is bred to die you fucking womble.

We just hurry up the process so we can eat some delicious food.

Your parents bred, you were born and funnily enough you will die.

A cow breeds, make another cow that will eventually die and end up on our plates.

Who gives a shit about the fact that we eat it. If humans weren't here and it was in the wild then it would end up dying and being another animal's dinner.

> 2016
> not hosting your own algal colonies to produce energy yourself
> frog memeing your failures

So what makes a cow super special that it deserves better treatment over, say, crops? Is that not breeding them just to be killed off and consumed?


no they want them to live naturally, as they did before we started farming them.

they can't think or feed pain.

generally speaking, a crop doesn't have to die. you don't kill a living organism in order to harvest an ear of corn, or a bushel of apples.

What is natural for a cow?

Walking around, eating grass and being killed and eaten by another animal eventually.

Key word FARMING

But cows are domesticated. They wouldn't survive in the wild. Might as well argue that all chihuahuas should be sent back to Juarez and set free.

Yes, and? Do you think they didn't exist before we farmed them?

What if a tiger ate that deer.
Why would it be considered 'natural', as opposed to a human shooting the deer.

so vegans are allowed to eat roadkill?
i mean these animals did suicide after all

cow's brains are for all intents and purposes a dumbed down human brain whose only purpose is to manage the complex functions in their bodies.

and what of the corn and apples themselves? surely they're made of organic LIVING material as well?

Yes. It's also an animal which would struggle to understand shame or empathy, something a human is NOT.

What if i kill it with my bare hands?

Will you sit on a leather couch?

plants can feel pain and communicate. They even tell other plants that they are being attacked and to prepare defenses. It's why Giraffes eat going upwind.

Wait so having pain receptors elevates your status over everything else?

I'm NOT VEGAN, yes I will sit on it, but I will often think about the fact I'm sitting on a massive lump of skin. Things just seem different when you've not eaten meat for the majority of your life.

Albeit with a population that was drastically reduced by their natural place in the food chain.

So in effect you are denying millions of potential cows a shot a being brought into the world because you want them to be "free".

Keep them domesticated, embrace life, embrace burgers.

not the point. the point is not to avoid anything made of "organic" materials (which is impossible), the point is to minimize the death and suffering that goes into the production thereof.

I still don't understand why vegans can't eat honey. I mean bees aren't a animal


have you ever seen a nature video where a lion spares a baby from another species? Animals have empathy. Shame isn't even universal in humans, otherwise politicians wouldn't be able to leave the house.


I don't feel empathy towards cows. Does that mean I can eat them at will?

some would.

>So if the production of a food involves the disturbance or control of any living thing it's a no-go.
>any living thing

Like, what the fuck is left to eat? Rocks?

you can do whatever the fuck you want regardless of what other people do bro.

Its true, especially since vegans eat bugs every time they eat veggies. Hell they eat all the tiny parts of the small mammals that get ground up in the combine and all the mice that get caught up in the processing plants. Veganism is just a smugger shittier version of Jainism.

So... I have lots of questions. Are you vegan?


What if I shoot a rock that then falls and kills an animal, should I eat the animal so that it doesn't go to waste, or should I be a dick by eating the living animals' food supply ?

you do, I am not a vegan no. But I would consider it if I could adapt to not eaten cheese and drinking milk.

>smugger shittier version of Jainism
dafuq is wrong with you, bro, Jainism is one of the least-smug religions out there

right i get you

but ultimately what would any of that do for anyone or anything?

yes, they don't suffer but do you honestly believe there is some sort of cosmic karma system that would reward you for it?

we humans were given certain resources and the respective abilities to make use of those resources; whether it's for pleasure or necessity is simply irrelevant

we are the only animal able to willingly stop ourselves from hurting others. we just do it because we're lazy and its convenient.

It's pretty safe to assume this type of bullshit comes from higher ed. These fuckers give liberal arts a bad name.

simply having the ability to do something does not make doing that certain something our obligation

cows wouldnt be extinct if we stopped eating their products. if youre talking about an specific cow then, you maybe wouldn't have been born if the holocaust didnt happen, yet that doesnt make it right

bears could eat only berrys so could some birds, and monkeys. But meat is fucking delicious. I would eat my own leg if it would regrow. Damn if the only solution is other humans i would eat humans.

i'm not trying to convince you of anything against your beliefs, i'm just trying to explain something.
your perspective is abrahamic - that makes sense given that you (most likely) come from a western country. those traditions hold that humans have primacy in nature, we were created to control and dominate nature, and even evolutionarily-speaking, we were designed to be at the top of the food chain and to use our mental resources and tool-making capabilities to continue that traditionan.
eastern traditions, primarily those based in vedic religions, teach that humans are simply a part of nature. where we fall in the "food chain" is a natural accident, not something pre-ordained by a deity. it's not our job to pillage nature and violently control and use it, but rather to live harmoniously within it.

are any niggers vegan?

we are capable of mercy, empathy and have the resouces to willingly stop a lot of pain done to other consious beings. no other animal can

Is KFC vegan?

Nigger, cows AREN'T NATURAL! They were domesticated and became so different that they're now classified as a new subspecies. The original ancestors of the domestic cow are EXTINCT. Cows are literally meant to be eaten.

oh shut up, you pretentious shitbreath.

nailed it. Listen to this guy, stop being fucking murrican retards.

>ITT we laugh at butthurt vegans who think they are special


>i'm not trying to convince you of anything against your beliefs, i'm just trying to explain something.

no you misunderstand; i believe humans are simply part of nature too

but we are in a unique position

we have intelligence that goes well beyond instinct

i do not believe that humankind inherently deserves to be at the top; we just are

and to be frank i believe being at the top means you have the power to do what you want

others can try to stop you and if they do then they will be on top meaning they in turn can boss you around

but if not then tough

I don't think Vegans do think they're special, they're more humble in their approach to life.

The people who think they're special are the ones annihilating any living thing they see just so they can eat it.

I get a lot of what you are saying believe it or not. Where i get confused is the emphasis on not 'disturbing' anything. Bees was the first example so lets talk about that. Why would it matter if we keep bees as long as we do it responsibly? They have better chances with me then they naturally do in the area where i live (i have taken measures to protect from spraying and use a top down method as opposed to traditional bee keeping). I keep bees and my hives thrive.

I think there is a responsible way to farm that gives the animals a better quality of life then they would get in the wild. Either way they get eaten. This way there is less pain. If you are not a troll id like to hear your thoughts on this.

Factory farming is generally immoral although i have seen some operations first hand i dont have a problem with.

And fuck liberal\conservative ideology, we all have a responsibility to take care of our environments.

denying cows the wonderful opportunity to live in an industrial farm side by side in a crowded square of land, fed hormones everyday and be ultimately slaughtered, not because we need them to, but because we just dont care enough to change

But if they ARE capable of annihilating anything in their path that actually does make them special.

Yeah, but increasing their chances of survival is also fucking with nature and it's course.

A friend of mine is from some hick town in Scotland and his dad is a tracker, he has to go around shooting deer, because for years they were farmed, and now there are too many of them and they ruin the habitats of other deer.
That wouldn't need to happen had they been left alone in the first place..

I am not pro or against any of that, it's a fact of life, but it would be better if it had never had to happen.

i mean if you cont care enough to develop a moral code, sure

i think the distinction lies in how we go about being at the top. is it natural to raise chickens in tiny little cages, stuff food down their throat, slaughter them with steel blades? now, if you were out there hunting with bows and arrows and wooden traps and skinning and dressing your own meat, then maybe you'd have a point. but nature never intended for us to create slaughterhouses and firearms. but since we have, that also means we're at the point where in our society we don't need to use those to sustain ourselves. in 21st century america, i'm perfectly capable of eating a well-balanced, healthy, calorie- and protein-rich diet, without having to consume animal products.

>not saying i do, i'm not vegan
>just arguing the point

you're literally always sitting on a massive lump of skin

Can vegans swallow jizz?

Your pathetic argument doesn't really even make sense. Not only that, it's absolutely not funny in the slightest. For a vegan or a vegetarian it's something we've heard countless times over from slack jaw'd morons. Grats.

depends on who you ask i guess. vegans in general are more against the food industry than anything else really. if you purposefully threw that rock at the animal, then its clearly a no-no in the vegan book, else idunno

K. But our gastric system hasn't evolved to TNG-style levels of civility like that. We're still meant to eat animals just like most other animals, and having a sense of mercy doesn't make meat less nutritious.

generally speaking, there's no suffering involved in making a man jizz. so.... yes?

Animals doesn't have more complex desires than breeding and eating. Of course they want to survive too, but it doesn't mean that animals are sentient beings. You people just overthinking it. They doesn't want things or feel things exactly like you.

no, but a lot of people try to develop a moral code and find that they believe causing incredible amounts of pain to other being that feel as much as we do just because we CAN is not right.

Oh but they can't, they buy their meat in supermarket after the creatures were industrially slaughtered by a depressed person working a chain-job that'd make anyone turn into a sociopath after 6 month.

It's ultimately up to everyone to choose what they want to eat but we have that choice. That's good enough for me not to eat meat but I'm not judging people who do.