His country has worse living conditions than us

>His country has worse living conditions than us
Looking at you UK


*generic response*


>Third world shithole

Class divide is not a problem

"be 256% more likley to get bummed by a Somalian"

Class divide is a problem

>*London knocks on door*

>*North Yorkshire wacks the big ol' swipe owt an gis the swedes a right good slap 'round the chops*

speak english you fucking inbred monkey

Third world countries are not particularly good at english i have found

I decide what's English an what ain't you silly little bacon wanking dickhead

>his country is romania + the south coast + london + the shires

It is not

There is nothing wrong with having different classes

nice try but you should really have another go lad, don't worry it'll come with practice

Not to the degree you have.


>7 posters
>it's been the same brit trying to defend his ""country""

It is

There is something wrong with having different classes

Which is?

delete this.

That is.

there's at very least two of us in this thread

>defend his country

it's not that deep senpai

Is it us being actually rich or is it just you being incredibly poor?

What is the problem?

It is the problem.

That classes exist?

That classes don't exist.

But they do.

what is this from?

nvm found it

>citation needed