Dubs have to go to cancerous boards and bring back cancer

Dubs have to go to cancerous boards and bring back cancer.

I'll try to take the first attemp

pls no

Roll for /aco/


Well you go user., I'll wait

Day 32, user hasen't returned

Commencing dump




Oh, well, here you go
>How long is it possible to be in love with a character?
I'm in love with Pinkie for well over a year, but I've had characters previously whom I kinda lost the love for over the interval of a year or two at most.
Is there someone who still truly loves his waifu after a lot of years, not just trying to stick to loving her?


How does this even work





Ok,let other anons take their chances
Thanks for contribooting

Other than some inflation this is the worst I would care to find

Sup Forums

Bump Sup Forums



I roll for Sup Forums


Ok. I will go to the deepest part of cancer

Sup Forums itself

I didn't trudge through gay spongebob porn for the thread to die