Do you get creeped out when a foreigner speaks your language fluently...

Do you get creeped out when a foreigner speaks your language fluently? My best friend is black with an inexplicable love for Serbia

Our boss is Serbian and when we hung out with his friends they stared at him like he had grown scales after he began a conversation with them in Serb

I've spoken with a Welshman who felt similarly. And when I was in Ghana there was a chinese guy who spoke fluent Twi and was treated like a living meme.

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Not really on topic but I've noticed a lot of hapa's get irrationally angry when pure white people speak fluently in their mothers language.
Anybody else notice this?

Anyone that matters speaks my language fluently so no.

We tend to find that attractive. Probably because of the difficulty of the language.


>they stared at him like he had grown scales after he began a conversation with them in Serb
Stared in respect/amazement or in near-disgust?

>white people ever learning vietnamese

won't ever happen. too many tones to learn/adjust to after growing up with a nontonal language.

>mestizos speaking with a perfect castillian accent because they were born here
creepy as fuck, I've seek chinks, blacks and moors too but the cognitive dissonance wasn't nearly as strong


>Stared in respect/amazement or in near-disgust?
Probably fear.
Most humans are assholes who lose all civility when they think they can get away with it. When they come to a foreign country where nobody speaks their language, they slander and bitch about anyone they see loudly because nobody understands them anyway.

What the stares mean is something like: "Wait, he understood everything when I was making fun of his shirt earlier?"

No, everyone will just gush and get really excited.

You have to go back.

>no one has posted that youtube channel of that one black dude going around surprising chinese people by speaking mandarin or cantonese

I met a guy from taiwan who spoke perfect turkish. With a bit of practice he started to speak azerbaijani too. Even did bakuvian accent correctly.
That's kinda pleasing desu.

I've had only positive reaction when speaking Slovak to Slovak people.

t. immigrant

This guy is a only one i know who actually speak good (great even) Vietnamese

No, I find foreign accents pleasing, it's a nice change from hearing the same thing day after day.

Whenever I meet a foreigner who has learned a few words of Irish, I like it. I've only heard of foreigners speaking fluent Irish second-hand, though. Never met one myself.

Y-you don't mind muh heritage fags?

Of course I don't mind people who love my country. It'd be great if more of my countrymen loved it too.


go to liverpool and see chinese people speaking like scousers. Or east london and seeing old sikh guys with perfect cockney accents.

I used to teach my friends some basic Turkish to help them recognize when Turks were talking shit about them in Turkish. They were able to recognize insults aimed at them, and the smugness of the Turks was then beaten.