Found an old Babybel cheese wheel in an old suit pocket. Its prob 5 years old. 69 decides what to do

Found an old Babybel cheese wheel in an old suit pocket. Its prob 5 years old. 69 decides what to do

Put it all in your nose

eat it

Shove it up ass, wait 10 minutes, shit it out, flush toilet, fap to trannies, go to bed, wake up, call your mother and tell her you love her, hang up, find a chicken, punch said chicken, go to work.

Its all bulbous

eat it then immediately puke on someone

Put it in a blender, pour it in a glass then drink

Throw in trash, eat your own fingers

Open and smear all over crotch. Find cheap hooker and request blowjob. Post results.

unwrap, stick it in your ass for 30 minutes, shit it out and then eat it.

put it in your butt

Fuck it

Shove it up your ass

eat half and shove other half up your ass

Put it in you b-hole then eat it

shoot yourself in the head

cum on it and eat it.

Open it

In ass then eat

cum on and eat

open it



roll for this

stick in ass then eat it

In butt then eat

Unwrapping in preparation

Quit job. Return to school. Obtain degree. Find new job. Meet girl. Marry her. Have kids. Retire. Die.

In butt, then eat

Eat it

Up pooper then consume.


Up your ass then eat it

open it

Cum on it, put it in your ass, then eat it.

feed to pets

Puree it and pipe it all into your urethra.

Put it in your bum and leave it there.

Cum on it, up the ass, eat.

Cum on it, in ass, then eat.

Stick it up your dog's ass, then pull it out and eat it. If no dog, stick it up your own ass and shit it out on your sofa.

Come on nigger! I'm not going to fucking bed until I see it!
Also slice it in half!

full on your nose holes

cut in half

swallow whole

Stick in bum then yum yum yum

melt it in microwave and then pour it on corn chips. eat.


Ill give u a sneak peek bb grl

Nut on it, up ass, eat.

Smash it into a paste, jerk off with it then li k the whole mess up.


Jizz on it, leave it up your ass for a bit, then eat it after you've shit it out.

describe the smell OP

dig a 6feet hole and buried it



Break it up into small pieces, and put them into gel capsules. Then empty all the filled gel caps into your asshole. Begin logging your results every half hour, so that your colleagues can find your notes after you die, and learn from your ground-breaking research.


Get digging, faggot.

You guys have no good replies :(

Throw in garbage

stick up your ass for 20 minutes, eat it, then spit it out onto your neighbor's car

Throw it away


this guy got it

Get digging nigger. 6 ft.

K its dark will do later

Enjoy pics in meantime



jesus i cant imagine the smell it produces....

shove it up ur benis

I believe this gentleman won....despite his faggotry

unwrap then stick up browneye


i have that exact same multi tool op

eat it already!

Thats all faggots

Microwave it, eat 1/4, feed to pet if any 1/4, fap and fun with 1/2 on it and then proceed to puke on your dick and if pet is applicable, let pet lick off

Taste it

Its a good tool! Lifetime warranty


Describe the smell!!!!!

Yep... eat and post pic

Thats disgusting.

Eat it faggot.

I thoughtd itd be a mild parmesan foot odor

Is it appealing?

smear it across your gums and let the taste seep into your mouth for 30 seconds, then eat it

hoop it.

On any other cheese id think so. The textures like a wet crumbly bleu cheese


Wrap it back up

I'll roll for this



rolling again for this

faggot, deliver

Its over retard
