Been buying it for awhile not curious how it's made

Been buying it for awhile not curious how it's made

But what the fuck are you buying shitlord

looks like some kind of acid to me... or seizure laden nbomes

yeah, don't look into it, once you figure it out that's all you'll be making, for a while..

Yea it's as easy as googling a recipe. Doesn't require expensive equipment, extremely regulated materials, let alone an extensive knowledge of organic chemistry.

This is a pseudo-finger box thread, calling it right now

Can't tell if troll or if doesn't know what LSD is..

I'm about to give you some of the best advice you will ever, in your whole life, ever receive.

Don't. Just don't. Do as much as you want, but don't try to figure it out. It's a whole can of worms that'll eat you and spit you out retarded.

1p is extremely ez to make where I live

Go on.....

Rye Bread Mold.

Bye nigga.

do you know basic chemistry ?

you fergot

top kek

Is that supposed to be a fucking Ergot pun? If so, 10/10 my nigga would chill with you

I know lab procedures, but sketching out a full chemical synthesis is beyond me.

>whenever co-workers my refer to their nbombs as LSD because its all we can get around here

at least we got awesome mushrooms in the middle of nowhere

look it up my nigga , its not that hard.

sorry no, it was completely unintentional

Don't fuck w me mang

shrooms grow all over the place around here in the fall. Its funny seeing hipsters out hunting them on cattle ranches

yeah and I wasn't trying to sound special
they really do grow fucking everywhere
I found some growing in a storm drain tunnel in detroit once