Are women happier?

Are women happier?

Do they have it easier? I believe women enjoy sex more.

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They think less.

So, yes.



I don't think so about any of what you said, man.

until they reach their 40's
then they become forever alone apart from a few other hags they don't really like

nice thumbnail retard

I'd enjoy Sex more aswell if all I had to do was lay there to reach multiple orgasms


>They think less.
Not sure about this one, they certainly overthink a lot of shit. Though possibly mostly social situations that does not need thinking.

They don't think to a higher order like men do.

Men have to face the reality of their deaths on the battlefield. Women won't ever have to face that.

And even if you will never see a battlefield it's ingrained in our DNA that we have to face the abyss.

I've talked to some very smart women before and none of them could comprehend the possibility of alternate dimensions or what defines reality for each person.

Not even trying to harp on women either. I think they are blissfully ignorant. They don't have to compete like men do.

I would love to be a women for one hour or so and have an orgasm, they look so intense

any more pics of this girl

I think women have nothing to worry about. Especially in this day and age, despite still insisting on getting by with using sex as a bargaining chip, decry sexism and act surprised when they're simply used and fucked.

Women are whores. The biggest mistake we ever made was giving them to vote; they started getting ideas above their station.

the jews organised for women to get the vote as this allowed jews to gain positions of power

Not the young ones here.

>Are women happier?
>Do they have it easier?

When they're younger, yes. Once they hit 30 unless they're married with kids, they basically will suck any dick attached to a somewhat polite guy.

Female happiness has been declining since the 70s or so. Can you guess what happened around that time? Meanwhile male happiness has stayed steady the entire time.

And for the sex thing, if the man knows what he is doing it's way better for women, if he doesn't it's way worse.

>Are women happier?
>Do they have it easier?
>I believe women enjoy sex more.
They can (because of biology), but I don't know if they use their potential.

yes, on average they get treated better than men and don't have to have any skills in order to advance in life. They can just hold on to some idiot that takes care of them. Also, it is very easy for them to move on to another life. They have mass amounts of contacts. The one thing where they lack is they don't have true loyalty, so they can never experience something like brotherhood. But who needs brotherhood if you don't have to worry about having personality or be successful.

A young woman can turn down a millionaire. That is the power they have.

Need more of this chick
> girls have it easier
Because they can just lay there and do nothing...just like in life they can get by doing nothing

>girls have it easier
but most are too ignorant to believe it

Female gender roles have been destroyed and male gender roles have been maintained.That's clearly the reason why,since women who choose to become housewives report higher levels of happiness

never met a bitch, have you?

Smart women are unhappier but to put it simply, it's easier to be dumb and happy as a woman. Doesnt mean all women are dumb And it doesnt mean all unhappy women are smart
... smart people are just generally unhappier. In any case ugly women don't have it easy. But your average looking average intelligence woman is happier than a man of the Sam caliber

Smart women don't exist. I know a lot of women that you could call "smart" because they have good grades but when you talk with them, you realize that they don't really think and are shallow. They're kinda like computers : at a task, they can be good, but if you let them alone they won't do anything. That's why no women ever invented something.

Just imagine how easy it is to get rich as a woman :

1) Get fit, eat well, put makeup, to be beautiful
2) Find a guy who has more money than you
3) Make him buy you beautiful clothes
4) Quit him
5) Seduce a man richer than the last one with your beautiful clothes
6) Marry him
7) Divorce, get money
8) Get breast implant with the money to become a 11/10 whore
9) Marry some millionaire
10) Divorce, get money
11) Repeat always with a guy richer than the last
12) When you want to stop and have kids but no husband, marry a last time, have kids, divorce and keep them
13) You're now a rich bitch