On a scale from 0 to 10 how hot would you say women in your country are?

On a scale from 0 to 10 how hot would you say women in your country are?


>by a huge margin the most amerindian country in America

I'm not sure how to rate such a large population


Ours are blonde and tallest on Earth, 9/10

8/10 for white
4/10 for north african
2/10 for sub saharan
2/10 for asian
5/10 for overseas islanders

only the white ones or mestizos with little to no indio features, but yeah dude

Depends. On average 7.5/10 - way too many whores

Live in the South
Solid 8/10


we are getting very fat.


Come on, 10/10?
It's a 5/10 at its best.

Mexico is one of the most European actually.


>walls of capslocked butthurt are cap-worthy now
This place just keeps getting worse desu

Bullshit Australian women are god-tier.




Before I travelled a lot I used to think we were about 6/10
Now I think we're about 8.5/10


>americans rating their women anything higher than a 1
fucking delusion

low-tier bants my cunt

Lower class are most likely fat and shit out 6 kids
Every female above them is going to be 5-10/10 as they at least try to take care of themselves

Pakis are smelly, blacks are smelly, eastern european girls are very skinny :3