Continuation of >>702011144

Continuation of

Other urls found in this thread: Of The Internet



> This is a information thread btw.




How to get dubs
Be cool
>check em



... Of The Internet

Shit so easy man want another one ?

Damm of by one
Lemme do it again

keys and lock






knife fights



good luck pulling that off

Mr. Satan, the guy who can pull that off doesn't need luck, luck needs him

break a door down

This is retarded, a blade down knife grip is the easiest to disarm, Fairburn specifically mentions that is a terrible grip and the way you can disarm a knife, otherwise run.




































Is this from some kind of book and if yes, what is it called?

no idea, but it was pretty easy to find it online. just google image search the photos and im sure you'll find it


For who all those tutorial are targeted ?



"100 Deadly Skills"
look it up











Get a plastic lunch bag
You know that things that wraps the food?
>get a white paper
>darken it
>fill the bag with water and make a water balloon like alike
>focus sun on darkened paper
>when it makes smoke wrap more paper around it
>keep folding paper until the smoke becomes enough to start a fire
>blow slowly in the smoke



unarmed combat
















