Sup Forums what is the worst thing someone has ever said to you...

Sup Forums what is the worst thing someone has ever said to you? Maybe years ago someone commented on your teeth now you are forever conscious of them. Maybe someone said you're stupid or ugly... anything that has cut really deep..

she told me she loved me

"9cm isn't little" she said

"I don't love you, I love him" - gf of 9 years

After a 5 year relationship.. 5 years of living together, moving around the country together.. I was down on one knee with the ring I was so proud of.

She told me she was leaving me. She said

"You try to hide the bleeding, the fatigue, the weight loss - You're not fooling me. You're deteriorating. You always talk about the future you're building for us, but we both know the truth. You can't promise me children and a father figure to raise them. You can't promise me a future. You have to be able to see things my way when I say that this means you have been wasting 5 of the best young years of my life"

"Grandad had some fluid in his lungs, they tested it, he's got 6 months left they say"

luke i am you father

I can still hear it in her voice. She was right, though. I had an unexplained stroke earlier this year. In the near future, I will be dead, and she will have been right.

When some kid's said, "are u goin bald?" Im not bald at all, but now I'm like super anxious about going bald so much so that i have been caring for my hair ever since. Fuck those kids yo.

"Put your hands behind your back" 19 and never been back to jail since

i relapsed recently. after getting back on my feet and working away from the setback, she says

"it will happen again user. I want children some day and I don't want them with you knowing your history of addiction"

I relapsed, and then I lost her too. finding the strength to continue recovery knowing she gave up on me is exceptionally difficult.

I can still remember the last time I talked to him, he was too sick to get out of bed. Two weeks go by, I get called out of class, lose my shit before I get to the door.

That is tough Sup Forumsro.
Keep your head up high and prepare to face the next adventure, my thoughts are with you

I think I'm on my way to looking like this dude :/
But I'm shaving that shit long before it gets to that point.

Prove her wrong user
You can do this I believe in you, even though I never met ya

I'm rich, successful, white, and have a 10/10 wife.

There is literally nothing anyone can say, or has ever said, that can hurt my feelings. I'm objectively better than everyone around me.

maximum triggered

"You are too smart for your own good."

told me I was ugly, but guess what the truth hurts.

Kid called me a dumb ass in grade six. Cut me for years.When I was around age 22 I discovered I was above average intelligence. He was a nigger too, It helped me heal. Damn kids are so fucking cruel.Rough times.

>I never loved you. You were just a project.

After two years together. I had just bought an engagement ring. I was going to ask her that coming weekend. Instead, she packed and left.


Thank you for the sentiment. Never lose your compassion for other people. I feel even better knowing the world contains people who care than I did getting that whole thing off of my chest.

join the gym masterrace faggots

is that Joel Pepsi?

>Talking with my ex girlfriend
>It ended pretty badly, I was the one that fucked up
>It's a skype call, but we're just audio
>Really depressed, she's fixated only and entirely on the things I did wrong, doesn't seem to remember any of the good things
>I know we're going to stop talking soon, we've talked about it a lot lately
>Go ahead and apologize for everything I did, tell her how remorseful I feel to have lost my shot with her, every day that has passed since she left
>Ask her if she hates me
>Kind of expect her to say yes, but also kind of expect her to say something along the lines of "No, I'm just so disappointed in you..." or something like that.

"Yes, user...I do hate you."

>She says in her most sincere tone

"I really...Really do hate you."

>She says as if she's been wanting to say it for a while
>Don't talk for a little bit
>silence for a good couple of minutes
>Tell her about how bad I feel over how I fucked up, and that I'll miss her when she's gone, just kind of getting it off my chest, abandoned the whole "Hardass" routine

"I don't care, user. I won't ever forgive you for what you did....I'm glad you're upset...I was honestly smiling when you told me how much it hurts."

>Don't even know what to say at this point
>She's being very spiteful and malicious
>We eventually say goodbye, she doesn't seem to care or give it as much ceremony as I did.
>Never talk again

We were in a relationship for 3 years. I forced myself on her, and hit her a few times...Wasn't even genuine rape or anything, but much more rough than she would have liked. Truth be told I guess I deserve it.

thanks man. i know I can do it if I can stick through this period of depression and sadness. I'm beating myself up way too much, but that's almost all I can think about right now.

kid going on a school trip.
Bad 3 years for my parents, huge law issue with my dead never-knew-him grandpa.
On the bus, he told me

"Like I though, you're ussing the same old clothes from last year trip."

Fuck user. How inhuman was she to tell you those years with you were wasted? Jesus, bitches are heartless.


Happened 8 years ago

>mother had battled cancer for 4 years
>the cancer has won
>lying on her deathbed
>15 year old me is left alone to say goodbye
>I told her "It's okay to let go, I'll take care of Dad and Jessica (My 8 year old sister).
>she grabs my hand so weakly
>she's trying to whisper in my ear but it's so faint I can't hear it
>she does shortly after holding my hand

I can't stop thinking about what she was going to say.

A diary left behind:

"Guys I was with while I was with ___"


Fucking sociopathic cunt

how did you discover you were above average intelligence ?

>forced myself
>wasn't genuine rape
no fucking shit you deserve it kys

Dude, I did the same thing. Although I never actually hit her with a fist, I did grab her forcefully and yelled at her, along with throwing things. While I've dealt with anger issues my entire life, I never thought I'd ever resort to hurting someone I loved :/

Thankfully, she's forgiven me and we're still friends...somehow. But I feel for ya. Use it as a means to better yourself. And not for her, but for you.

I'll bet your 10/10 lying whore of a wife says your dick is huge too doesn't she?

When my Dad cut off the money he said he would give me to start my new job in my own apartment. He then sent me a bill for everything I owed him (Over my life) and hasn't spoken to me since.

I know it's not the end of the world but I think that's the last I'll ever speak to him. I'm pretty much just waiting for a funeral phonecall now telling me he's dead...

I've spent a year asking myself that same question.

It doesn't really matter much anymore, though. I'd spent those years continuing to shelter her from the world in the way that her parents had. I became a man.. worked out a nice career and benefits plan, had money saved toward a house.. I'd even gone from a skinny shit to gaining about 60 lbs. on my upper body.. But then it started to move back in the other direction.

Nowadays, I wouldn't want her to see me. I'm back down to ~105 lbs (100-105) at 6 ft tall.. I'm not working anymore as it's becoming harder to stand up or do anything terribly physical for long. I am without a home of my own, sleeping on the floor in a living room. I no longer have a car.. Any signs of promise. I am now just shreds of the man she'd known.

I take a small amount of comfort in knowing that she never had to see me like this.

Why did he do that?

>she does shortly

Does what faggot

I ended up having to move apartments and my gf (Who I now own a house with) he didn't like. Sucks as she's my world but ya know... Also his wife is pleased as I'm probably written off all wills etc by now

*coughs "dicks out for harambe"

"He's already too far gone." - my pastor, about me, to my dad when I was a teenager.

Worst thing I ever said to someone else was to Sady Doyle; she blocked me on twitter for telling her "the only reason you aren't in involuntary psychiatric care is that none of your friends or family care enough about you to have you committed."

worth it

People called me ugly in high school all the time. It was demoralizing and I couldn't focus on my school work. Now I never leave the room and I'm too afraid of the world.

Tough mother fucker, thinking of others.

Ouch man. I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm at almost 7 years.

A good friend, someone I trusted, got into a petty argument one day and he said "You have no idea how much shit people talk behind your back". 4 years later and I still rarely develop meaningful relationships as a result. Sounds stupid but when you have a lot of trust for someone and they tear it apart over something so petty, it opens your eyes a bit.

What are you addicted to?
Heroin here. Very similar situation. Girlfriend of five years will likely be gone after too many relapses.

Tfw I told a girl this
Am I a shitty person?

Damn she must have prepared that beforehand.

An ex of mine, in a letter telling me why she cheated on me after 4 years with one of my best friends;

"When we first met, I saw what everyone else saw; I thought you were special. I thought you were going to change the world. Eventually I thought you'd see me the way people saw you. I thought you'd love me, in time.

But now I know the real you, which isn't special. It isn't life-changing. It's unbridled narcissism, bitterness, and denial.

I fucked him because even though he wasn't "better" than you, he's still better than you, and I deserve better than you."

That was 6 years ago. I'm in a committed relationship with a girl I plan on spending the rest of my life with. She's the sun in my sky.

This still fucking kills me to think about.

It should be common practice, you know?

Everyone is the center of their own universe.. I get that. I understand that your life is your story, and that you have the lead role... But something about facing your mortality opens your eyes a bit. It makes you realize that you really don't matter. You won't live forever, and you won't be remembered forever. You might not even be remembered next year.

There's no need to be selfish. Your life, your 'legacy'.. Unimportant, as they won't last long at all, especially once you're gone.. Take the time you have now, and grab hold of the people and things you love the most. Do all you can to protect them and promote their well-being, even if you don't mean anything to them anymore. You're extremely unlikely to change the world with self-focused attitude, but you can certainly change others' perspective of the world with how you treat them and the marks that you leave on their character. I think that means a whole lot.

And thanks, but no.. I'm not a tough guy at all. If anything, I'm a bitch for not walking away from the situation myself. I knew she was right. That's why it hurt so much.

My ex was at my friend's house playing card and drinking games. I stepped out of the room to shit but while coming back I heard a conversation about me. my friends asked "what made you attracted to user?" I heard her laugh and say " He can help me pay bills." Now me hearing that I waited a few seconds longer then walked in fully composed, everyone looked a bit shocked and my friend's this time asked the question again, this time with a bit of sarcastic tone. She answered, because "he is sweet, good looking and a great lover!" My friends asked if she was serious, she then looked at me and kissed me while my friends just sat there shaking their heads with complete disbelief.

I'm not mad that she told them the real reason, I get mad to this day that she lied so hard. That was 3 years ago and now she is pregnant and engaged to another man.

My ex used to constantly ask me about things that I did while I was in the army and i always declined with " i did my job and its probably better that you don't know". After enough times and on a bad day, I told him in detail and at the end of which I was called a monster and was told that they couldnt sleep in the same bed with me anymore.

Never before or after had I ever been ashamed of my job and ultimately it led to us splitting up after 6 years. I alternate between being angry and sad about it, but more angry than anything.

Not really hurt like "muh gf" but kinda mademe change the way I am.

Back in 2012 when I was in France with my class for prom trip, one of my friends best friends who was also the first girl I geniunily fell in love with, told me: "Goddamnit, user, you're not bad looking, you just stink like shit!".

She had this "love-hate" form of showing affection, but it really affected me. Since that day I never even once consider getting out of the house without deodorant and generally use cologne every day.

I have tough skin as I'm sure a lot of lurkers and posters in this thread do. Maybe mine is thicker or thinner than yours but I'll show you some of the shit I was dished.

I was an awkward tall chubby teen in hs and I remember a jock who was wavering between friend and random. He was mad at me over something, I think where I sat at lunch, and called me an ogre. It hurt me back then but now in my mid 20s I'm an attractive man and I laugh at the though of myself being an ogre, I've even donned it in self deprivation when I bring it up to my friends to jest.

An ex of mine said 'you think you know everything user, but you should just listen and stop interrupting.' Funny how she never stopped talking when I listened to her babble.

Theres more but those are recent enough to remain accurate..

"Thinking about kissing you is like thinking of kissing my father". Girl I used to date.

First girl to see my dick told me it was huge. My confidence was great. Then she told me my body makes it look bigger than it is and I'm bigger than average but not huge. I am 8 x 5.5

I have a mole that wasnt even that big or gross looking, and I had kids especially in middle school make fun of it so bad. Especially since austin powers 3 came out with the mole jokes so id just have kids go "mooole, moley moley mole" I was insanely self concious about it from like middle school to like beginning of senior year. What was worse was when kids did it I acted like it was no big deal, but my fuckin ace would automatically get red, and just made things worse for me.

Luckily I'm over that shit now, and dont even remotely care about it. But it was definitly hell through out my school years.

Back when I was in middle school I found a condom somehow and pulled it out on the bus at the end of day. A girl a few seats behind me screamed
>"Look! The ugliest kid in school has a condom!" She was pretty bad looking herself, but the fact that somebody would ever have that thought occur to them, about me, still shakes me up a bit to this day.

>be long term unemployed
>long time gf cucks you and you break up
>complete breakdown.jpg
>no friends
>family wants nothing to do with you
>only place to go is back with mom or be homeless

mother says these things to me:
>its a good things you don't have kids or they would've starved to death
>I can see why she kicked you out
>Im going to see what I can do to get rid of you
>I'm going to have the police drag you away

still get the last 2 threats on a regular basis

stop posting about it on Sup Forums and find a job.
learn some trade skills.