How do you feel about the recent rise in popularity for the Flat Earth theory?

How do you feel about the recent rise in popularity for the Flat Earth theory?

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I expect retardation of this level from people so I feel nothing.

I find it interesting that its rise exactly parallels the HiIlary Clinton would make a good president theory.

Do you EVER get tired of talking in circles about politics?

the flat earth is trash from an ignorant people.

The cell earth is the true nature of the univers

People are finally waking up. I've known it was flat for years. If you round earthers are so sure it's round go fly a plane over Antarctica and film it. Oh gee wait you can't because the government will stop you from going anywhere near it. But yeah that's just for your "protection"

No, it's for Antarctica's protection, it's a delicate environment.

It rises faster than my dick and thats kind of depressing.

there's literally no evidence for it

Please be bait.
Heh, that's for flat earthers as a whole actually, too

the fact that there's no edge and that day/night wouldn't be possible if it was flat disproves it handily





>I've known
imagination =/= knowledge

It's not b8 you literally cannot prove its not flat and the only way you can prove its not just so happens to be under strict lockdown? Wow definitely nothing suspicious about that huh

there's countless easy ways to disprove it
you can do it without any effort

Why would you need to fly over Antarctica?
Logically if the earth was flat you could literally just fly in any direction and you would come to the edge.

There are various mathematical proofs that don't require going to Antartica. Of course, morons couldn't understand them, and that's why they believe in flat earth. Greeks knew the world was round before 400BC

Not if we are on a circular plane with Antarctica as the perimeter.

Planes aren't circular.

>an unsupported myth with no evidence

Coriolis effect.



Yeah because the round earth theory has soo much supporting evidence
Yes they are they are called circular planes retard

How does it even?

Yes, it does have massive amounts of proof and evidence.

Then please post irrefutable proof please and I'll shut up

>circular planes
I also make shit up to prove made up theories

>still hasn't shown a scrap of evidence for his "claim" and takes shots at the opposing one instead
That's either a troll or a retard, or both.

How do seasons work on a flat earth?

Day/night cycle could only happen as we observe it on a round earth.

Yeah like the round earth theory?

What part of plane with circular perimeter doesn't make sense?

A bunch of people saying the same shit over and over doesn't make it true.

It's a troll, and a weak one at that, surprised anyone is falling for it

If the earth was flat how would there be day and night

Yes, that's why the flat earth claim is bullshit, thanks for pointing that out.

Here's the deal: there are two types of Flat Earthers: trolls, and literal Bible interpreters. Somewhat surprisingly, we usually encounter the latter on Sup Forums. They have the freedom to make shit up (lie) because truth and understanding are not their goals, and they end the arguments with "prove me wrong." By disavowing any science put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by attrition. It is simply impossible to keep up with having to explain away the barrage of the violations of the most basic principles of geometry, math, science, and logic. They aren't interested in critical thinking or putting in the requisite effort to do the science. Proofs are tossed aside, or they may not even respond when they can't fabricate anything that would pass even their own red-faced test. They are blind to 3D visualualization. They concentrate on believing what their leaders tell them, and will not allow any sense to mar their fractured perception of the universe. There is simply no arguing. It's like trying to paint over mud. You just end up with a dirty brush.

How deep is the ocean?

Has pushed back space exploration and the progress of science for at least another decade.

>Incidentally, this rise in popularity coincides with Trump's popularity.

There was a serious discussion about autism on another thread. It dawned on me that Flat-Earthers (FEs) fit the description of being autistic exactly. Here are some salient extracts:
>The thing about autism is they cannot read other people, they live in their own world. So, oblivious that no one gives two shits what they have to say, they continue their monologue until you literally run away.
>Autism seldom comes on its own; usually there are other mental problems, and these can be an indicator.
For instance, they may have been in "special" classes, or disgnosed with ADD, or loved ones desperately smile and shrug off awkward conversations/situations and the autists does not recognize situational discomfort.
This behavior is particularly consistent among FE arguments:
>I really really find it difficult to change my opinions, even when the other person is factually correct. For instance, I once argued with a teacher till 6 PM over the correct, or at least effectively correct, use of parentheses. I'm still convinced I was right.
>Not all autistic people actually understand autism. They may have gotten a simplified and inaccurate description of what it is. Also, they may be so high functioning that they feel like it'd just be better if everyone was like them. Straight forward, overt, blunt. Very high functioning people often don't like to think of their difficulties as defects, but due to failures of normal people to be more transparent.

>Flat earth theory

Hurr I can't refute anything he says better just call him a troll!


If the Earth was flat and the Sun hovered above it and moved in a great circle around the pole, you would see a difference in motion most marked at times of rise and set. Place yourself on the equator during the equinox. At rise, the Sun would appear somehow and from north of the equator, with movment to the right/south (following its circular path), its horizontal motion diminshing over the course of the morning. As it reached overhead (Noon) it would be moving most quickly and straight east-west. After Noon it would appear to slow down and begin its drift right (north), and farther along it loses the vertical movement (never setting) while gaining the drift to the right and magically disappearing.

That of course, is not what we see. The Sun rises due east, transits straight up, and sets due west all at a constant angular speed all along its path, which is apparently straight up, over, and down, because in this geometry you (not a distant pole) are at the center of a circle it appears to trace.

Also, a close-proximity Sun would increase in brightness from invisible at "rise" to its brightest at Noon and back again to invisible at "set" in the course of one day. The graph of the intensity of the received light would vary by the square of the distance of the Sun. This means the increase/decrease in brightness would vary most radically around Noon. Again, we don't see that. We see the Sun remain more or less constant in brightness during the day, with a good accounting (and weather-dependent) for its dimming when near the horizon due to atmospheric opacity.

Video and photo proof of the round planet?




I notice you didn't reply to any of the posts actually posting shit that refutes flat earth.

i like it


First post best post

Everyone who believes it should be purged immediately.


So where is the arctic? In the middle?

And considering Antarctica has been circumnavigated, thousands of scientists have been there and you can pay for flights over it it's pretty obvious your wrong.

>n. A flat level or surface

Are you stupid?

>Video and photo proof of the round planet?

It's not very nice to ask for something you know darned well you'll dismiss as "CGI" or "PhotoShop."

>fuck it

Coriolis erect needs the earth to be a spinning sphere to do

I think it should be used to weed out retards who believe it



So what you're saying is that people who start following Trump go through an indoctrination ritual in which they are taught Flat Earth and deny any other theory?

There would be no Coriolis effect if the earth was flat and not rotating.

You never will. The intent of a FE is to make noise. Like a very bad rock band, they hope the level of nose made will convince the listener they're right.

>It's [the current year] and someone doesn't agree with me. I mean, come on, it's [the current year]!

This horseshit is SPREADING?
In that case, very concerned for humanity.

No, he's saying people who follow Trump are the sort of people who disregard facts and knowledge in favor of loud feelings.

Not very at the edges. Very in the middle

You do understand that antarctica doesn't have a government do you?

b.o.b is right.

no one knows how the fuckin earth looks like and nasa is too unreliable to provide any true factual insight

Underrated post

>recent rise in popularity
dream on, faggot

>sage goes in all fields

Well that's not really true, but ok. It's a little bit more complex than that

Except people have flown cameras of their own into low orbit to take pictures of video of the earth.

No NASA required.

That is the point. If it were flat and not spinning then you would need to adjust left and right for shots east to west, not north to south.

Also has the least amount of niggers

Basically thisThis year seems to be the "Year of the Fucking Retard" for some reason; people are believing dumb shit, following dumb shit, doing dumb shit, and dying for dumb reasons.
>he didn't hold the door open for me
>gotta shoot him for that disrespect

There has not been a rise in anything and how can there be a theory about flat earth when there is proof otherwise? There aint theory about jack shit.

Doesn't matter what year, but it so happens in 2016 we do have the technology to easily look things up. You don't. Your minister tells you the Bible says, "Flat Earth," and you cannot disobey your minister because he is the authority figure in your life and you're incapable of thinking on your own.

Flat earthers are a thing that confuse me greatly. We have a space station and cameras in space. What do flat earthers say when they see the cameras in space?

My soda is flat, yet the can is round. How can this be?

Good enough for me

>no one knows how the fuckin earth looks like and nasa is too unreliable to provide any true factual insight

Hurr-durr denying facts because it doesn't fit your idea of truth.

>hurr no evidence fur globe
Even if that were true, just because a competing theory has no evidence doesn't mean that yours is true.

>penguins are black with white spots

If the earth is flat why don't we got some pics from space edge on?

There is no rise. Samefag just posts it over and over and over and over because fag.

Dubs speak the truth

But penguin ain't niggers dumbass

>it's using a special kind of lens to make the earth look round
>I should know, I was there and God told me so

They say the curvature of the Earth shown in the pics and videos is lens tricks. Not even joking.

About three 'fiddy

where? did we see a round globe?

Maybe they are.
>be penguin
>be bird
>too lazy to bother learning to fly
>too lazy to walk properly
>just slide everywhere
>steal fish from whales instead of learning how to work the land

I know this is bait, but you can literally see the curve of the earth if you just get high enough off the ground.

And the reason you can't fly over antartica is because the atmosphere and environment there is heavily guarded both for scientific reasons, and to protect the ozone there.

So what keeps air in the planet if it's flat, it does have measurable density, it should press down against the plane and glide off past the circumferencing antarctica, leaving humans to suffocate and die.

Yeah but would you cross the street to avoid a group of penguin?

All over the place. It's hard for them to get high enough to see the curvature on amateur cams but it's obvious that it's there.