Anyone else in their 20s and feel like complete failures at life?

Anyone else in their 20s and feel like complete failures at life?

>24 years old
>in community college
>still live with parents
>struggle to get girls I like
>working a shit job for shit pay
>credit card and student loan debt up the ass
>can't even drink alcohol without spending a lot of money or doing dumb shit
>can't commit or even start goals to improve my shit life
>out of shape
>bitter and unhappy in general pretty much everyday

What do? I'm sick of living like this. Other than dropping out and getting a CDL I don't see any other way out of this. I know it could be worse but i dont want to live like this anymore. Any anons in similar situations?

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an hero

join the military

I tried joining air force when I 19, didn't even fill out an application. Went next door to the army, the guy was a huge prick asked me a few questions and sent me packing

First start getting into shape go out running lift weights stop being a fat fag and get off b for a month. Apply for jobs with better pay what are you going to community college for if youre not applying for jobs in your line of expertise? Once youre fit and employed focus on finding a nice girl who you want to settle down with. move in with her until you two can afford a bigger house GG live life.

i agree, OP should join the military. i Hope he at least knows how to do his own laundry

Im 27 living with mom(although I give a good amount of money to her) I got a girlfriend and we are looking to move out.I got a new job as a security guard making 11.50 and hour.16.00 and hours after i get my CCL.Thats enough for me.I dont want much either.I just want land and some kids and for people to leave me alone.

What do you really want out of life user?

Fuck comparing yourself to anyone else. Do whatever you want, fuck all consequences. Be the hero in your own life.

Just do it faggot

go to bed Mal, it's late

I have a shit tons of problems, but my biggest one is that I feel unabable to like or love somebody, and I don't think anyone can love either... thinking of anhero everyday

I'm not fat I'm just out in shape like I use to be. And the options for better pay jobs are slim from what I can see. At least the ones that will pay enough for me to move out without roommates.
Yes I do and I already explained I tried that
Honesty I want to make a lot of money. Enough money that I don't have to work another day of my life unless it is by choice. Basically I want to be financially free. Other then that I want to travel, meet and fuck beautiful women, find a girl that isn't a total piece of shit that actually likes me for who I am and start a family, and just enjoy life. Right now I don't enjoy life whatsoever.

OP, pull up some chair. It's story time.

>be me, age 27
>living in tiny house with my mom
>my parents are still together but my mom works an hour away so does this to avoid commute. We live in a place that's brutal in the winter.
>college drop out
>12$/hour call center job
>I says to him, I says, "that's great news...i thought I was 27..."
>FF to now, 31, married, kid on the way, 100k/year job making spreadsheets
It just took 4 years of taking little bites out of a shit sandwich.


be me
>told to move out at 18
>completely different state
>small university, take on 10k debt a year
>volunteer any extra time. because PreMed
>Premed Junior with a 3.01GPA
>have to take an extra year to replace that GPA
>been so broke that I couldn't buy $0.36 donut
>have to put it back, find breakfast in trashcan
>hadn't eaten in two days prior.
>own 500$ mulitcolor shitbucket 90s s10 truck.
>gotta take 7.5 hr MCAT in less than a year
>gotta join the army to pay for medical school
>can't drink alcohol because Baptist
>work landscaping in Louisiana
>its 105 degrees with 90% humidity.
>parents/family still don't talk to me.
>mom keeps child support sent from dad

i wish i could be you

What made you turn it around? How hard did it get and what kept you going?

Learn how to be cheap then, because you are going to spend the next 40 years of your life working if your goal is to be rich. Working your life away is worse than being poor

I feel you, brother.

You wanna know what I was going to college for when I dropped out?

Motherfucking premed

If you're working for 40 years you're not financially free moron

>currently studying something called the
>splanchnocranium from a dogfish shark
>wondering why I need to know this

Start by working on yourself, earning pride in yourself. Go to /fit/ and read the wiki. Then get fit. You'll feel better. Any issues with depression and anxiety will begin to abate. Then follow advice.

It may not get better, but shit will likely be less shitty.

Why were you kicked out?

It gets the best of us.
just gotta love that 4% med school acceptance rate

Well how do you plan of being financially free and only working if you want to? Oh wait you cant. Be more realistic. Get a skill, even if it's some shitty trade like painting or drywall. Work for yourself, don't be some faggot who works an hourly job, 40 hrs a week with 2 weeks of vacation a year. That is the path op is on now, and most likely 75% of the country. It's foolish

Go find one of those sketchy convenience stores run by foreigners or Total Wine. You can enjoy a few beers for $6. They're seriously like $2 a bottle.

It's not 4% when considering all the med schools.. Don't fucking lie

because, some people are born with parents who only feed you because they legally have too.

7% my bad. that should be the average, when you include the fucking carribean schools that can't get you into a decent residency.

It was really weird but it was like a switch went off in my head.

First I met my wife. Sensible girl, not a stick your dick in crazy or a desperate girl.

Then I knew I had to make money.

So I busted my ass in the call center and got promoted to a dispatcher for trucks (slight step up from my call center job).

As a dispatcher I worked 10-16 hour days and on call for my drivers 24-7 (mostly).

While doing that I started freelancing my Excel skills.

A VP of Operations got busted on a project he hired me to do. COO demands to know who did it since the guy's old as fuck and can't even hotkey.

I get call from the COO telling me he wants me to work directly for him.

I do my due diligence and figure out what people in the role are making. HR tells me the best they can do is 100k.

I never quit working. Even when I'm not working I'm still freelancing.

Cause freelancing got me in the door here.

I'm in the EXACT same situation, OP, except I have yet to re-enroll back in school at the local uni. I myself have began lurking /fit/ in order to get my shit back together. Back when I was in high school and college, I was athletic, good with girls, and enjoyed utilizing my talents. About mid-way through college, my partying habits and overall lack of maturity took over my life and it went to shit. I was no longer able to afford college and began working shitty minimum wage jobs full-time. I spent waaaay too much time smoking weed and experimenting with recreational drugs (they aren't worth the time and only freak you the fuck out, plus I've finally realized how pathetic it is being a stoner). I landed back on my parents' doorstep about this time a year ago. It's been rough and annoying beyond belief, but my life is finally back on the upswing. Slowly but surely, things are getting better (even though sometimes I feel like the biggest loser on the planet). It's good that you realize things could be worse and that you yourself are worth much more than the current predicament you're in. I'd recommend browsing /fit/ as well; it's basically just the exercise version of Sup Forums, but can be quite helpful.

Shit will be okay, just take it one day at a time.

Dude stfu..
AUA is a great school

Yep, this right here, one day at a time. Take little bites out of the shit sandwich of life.

Same situation than you I'm 24 too and everything you said it's exactly my life

Just get your degree dude. Everyone has to struggle in life, just look at Donald Trump. He had to work his way up to the top with just a small loan of a million dollars.

But for real, just get the degree, keep working at your job, and never give up. A) even if you don't get a job in your field, a degree looks hella on a resume. B) Make sure to save as much of your check as possible each month. If you have expensive hobbies, try getting a different, less expensive hobby going for you, and just focus on that, school, and work, and you'll be fine

Ah dude thanks for reading. My english sucks.
Yes I do workout everyday, 10km run, 30 sit ups, 40 squats, 20 push ups, everyday. But I still feeling anything about everything.
Haven't you ever feel like nothing cares anymore? Like, why keep studying, why go to your job, why workout, why get up from the bed... I'm losing interest in most of things.
I hope it gets better, I'll keep trying.

Forgot to say I'm skinny af and beard won't grow on my face i look like i am 13 and for that people hardly takes me serious i think that's one thing that's holding my life so hard

First top tier volleyball pic

Make attainable goals
It all depends on your willingness to make changes.
>set your first goal to drink more water tomorrow
>drink more water for a week
>start making healthier dietary choices

Just do the things that you're willing to do to improve yourself -- and you'll be happy about it. The gym is very satisfying, in my experience.

They place about 30 of their students in residency. I don't think so.

30/30 is great tho

(Different poster) I hope you're fucking kidding. If you are looking to get into a average-to-top tier residency, you are fucked if you go to the Caribbean. You are better off being a medical assistant or something less demanding if you can't get accepted in a US medical school, let alone a top 60 or so one (I.e. the respectability of schools drops off significantly after 65 *2014).

Do you honestly think you could turn a loan of 1 million into 1 billion+??


Ya I'm kidding. I'm in my second year at duke som. Friend went to AUA.. Figured I would make a smart remark

I know this is over used, but you are still lucky as fuck. Think about 3rd world countries. Or even just people 80 years ago. Just by not being homeless or hungry and having access to the Internet makes your life fucking insanly good compared to 99.99% of all humans to have ever existed. So what if it's not perfect? Learn to live with less and appreciate what you have. And if there is something about yourself you don't like, fix it. Don't beat yourself up over it.

You're supposed to be living with your parents in college, or in heavy debt. Any other option is rich fag bullshit.

OP, it really is about a positive, and only minorly confident attitude.

I'm 30 years old and I work in a call center. 30k a year. I'm 5"7', 260 pounds. A fatass. I'm quiet. I grew up on the internet. Basically like most of Sup Forums in some way.

I decided I was going to be happy at 27, and I did. I have a girlfriend who is more than half my weight, been together for 2 and a half years. I took her virginity, she thinks the world of me.

Happy attitude, and barely a smidge of confidence is what you need. And you can only get there when you well and truly hit rock bottom and make yourself change since no one is coming to rescue you.

you have unrealistic expectations OP. kill yourself

You could basically turn it into 10 billion by putting it into mutual bonds for as long as he has been alive.... just sayin

I AM a failure. And I'm 31y.

I live in a shit nation though and I had a lot of instabilities, psychological problems as well on top of making my own mistakes.

Don't feel too bad. At twenty something you still can fix your life.

I dunno but post more hot VB pics

Nice sarcasm but not quite accurate. Unless of course, you are assuming uses of leverage at optimal times, and Moving to negatively correlated assets when the market is falling.

What you think 31 is too late? Just go out and do whatever the fuck you want to do. Quit feeling bad for yourself and man up

I mean, you could apply yourself...

But, you know, then you would just make more money. I have plenty of money, and you don't even pay bills, I assume.

Oh, and take up smoking and drinking if you want to die sooner. Good luck.

Sorry I'm not actually into stocks, I apparently meant index funds

Thanks for the motivation, but here it's not as simply as just maning the fuck up.

I work out and I wanna try again, but it won't bring me anywhere.

At twenty something and in America, you can even fuck up in life a lot more than I did (I've heard even about people going to jail and shit) and you still can recover.

Here you simply can't.

It's true. That guy is fucking pathetic. Unless he is planning to die at 40, which is even more pathetic.

24 also working a shitty job and been high on weed for 8 years, loner, uneducated and live with my mom, AGAIN.

>19, 20 in 2 months
>second year of college for EE
>still on prerequisites and core classes because I'm retarded
>work as convenience store cashier/stocker because I need money
>mom working as CNA, keeping a roof over my head and food in my mouth
>suspect things will become unimaginably more difficult once I get into real classes (physics, actual calculus, etc)
>have to live on campus or commute 1 hour once I transfer
>huge loner, almost expect suicide or dropping out and becoming as big a disappointment as older brother
>everybody around me making bank, spending money on stupid trivialities while I save almost every penny and have still have less than them
It's good to know people have it much worse than me

>look how edgy and brave I am on internet without even knowing a shit where they other person lives.

Step 1: stop smoking weed with all your disposable income
Step 2: if you deal weed, stop.
Step 3: save money
Step 4: ????
Step 5: profit + no depression (which is totally a psychological "problem" and not related to regular intervals of weed)

Please read the article... It was about him investing $500 million...

It wasn't about starting with 1million.

>implying you care

Oh wait, where does he live?

Working out can always fix your body. So that is literally on you. As far as the whole "in america" bullshit. I don't care where you live. You can make a decent living anywhere in the world you are capable of using the internet. Will it be something glamorous? No. But life isn't money. You aren't what you do for money. Life is about friendship, family and memories. If you want to live your life for materials, honor, prestige and shit like that you are a fool and will likely continue down a self destructive road to nowhere

You are a retard if you think that is all he had.

I'm about to start college, and I never did anything in highschool. I had advanced courses and only got into college through my test scores. I rarely did any work for it, and that makes me nervous as to how I'll handle college.

Aside from that I rarely pursued girls, regardless of my interest in them. My last girlfried only ended up being my girlfriend because she forced herself onto me. I later realized that I despised her, but she broke up with me before I could her.

I hardly work out, I hardly even play video games...
All I do anymore is sit on my couch watching just about anything on youtube, browse Sup Forums and MAYBE play a game if it strikes me.

At this point I'm certain that all I will ever contribute to society is meaningless even in thought.

The worst part for me is I'm too much of a coward to man up and face it head on.

I'm even too cowardly to end myself.

No, I'm not in my 20's, but when I am I will still be just as much a waste of space as I am now

Shut the fuck up. You aren't even 20 yet. Grow a pair and do what you want to do and be happy with it.

I also want to buy that zen stuff, believe me, that's why I want to try again, it's just that few women like guys as that. And without a woman you cannot form a family (without gaying).

Honor and prestige is what they want now, especially in their '30 If you're poor they don't consider you good to form a family. If the woman in question doesn't care about kids, they still care about money and prestige because they want money for presents and to tell their friends how nice you are.

That's my problem. Even if I grew a fucking pair, I have no goddamned idea what I would want to do. If you have any ideas I'd be damn glad

Do you know how many men kill themselves because their cunt wife has that mentality? I'd rather be alone forever than having a woman who is that shallow controlling my life

Just moved out, cc in new city
taking welding, electrical wiring, materials & methods, & an architecture design corse
gonna add calculus
life lOOks bright

really money is not the issue, weed most likely because my mental health ya.. im on a break actually i procastinated this break too for a fucking while. its less cloudy after a few days all i can say.. but its fucking hard not to blaze atleast on my off days since i am such a fucking loner. and spending time in my room for a 2 whole day completly sober feels like a shit idea

"You could basically turn it into $10 billion"

Lol dude you know shit about the stock market. Stick to topics where you know what you are talking about. Maybe like anal play! Enjoy your "employee benefits" at McDonald's

you are doing better than me user

>24 years old
>live with my mom
>tell her I have had a job online, and making a little above minimum wage.
>In reality I have not worked a day in over 2 years, and even then it was for slave wages
>dropped out of community college
>just play vidya all day long

Gonna work summer in construction, learn arch e during school yr, become architect

Literally anything. Your problem is you are trying fulfill some nonsensical societal requirements. If you like being on Sup Forums and watching YouTube, then fucking do it! Stop self loathing over it. You for some reason think playing a video game is more productive? Or watching a sports game? No! Just because it's not what "normal" people don't it doesn't matter. It's your life, to be lived however you want. Use me as an example, I'm working a dead end job toll May, then I'm going to walk across the US. Why? Because I fucking can. Is it productive? Fuck no. But I don't care. Ya when it's over I will be basically homeless and broke. But it won't matter, because I'm capable of working still, and I'll be back to where I am now

>be 24 yo
>married to a tumblrina
>have a 3 yo kid with her
>she wants divorce
>she got custody+alimony
>no money left, huge debts
>back to mom's
>smoking hash
>fucking bitches
>be party animal

I miss my daughter. I take drugs or get drunk everyday for me not to think about her too much.

Actually, fuck this. Fuck that, fuck all. Just FUCK IT



Whats the plan?

thats me 2-3 years ago, 24 now also.
how do you cope? what i mean is that neet mode fucked me up really bad.. the longer you do it the harder is it to go outside.. and i had no money for drugs. and playing vidya in your twentys completly sober sounds like hell
im glad im done with that, id still like to kill myself from time to time but atleast the guilt is not killing me


>doesn't know stocks
>must work at McDonalds
I don't follow your logic you elitist fuck. Have fun on your high horse


You're right. It isn't about finding a calling or winning some internal lottery. It's about doing whatever the fuck makes you happy in life, and working to keep that happiness. As long as you can breathe you can find a way to be happy, to feel satisfied. I just have to fucking work for it.

Thanks, user. I may have yet to start life, but I'm sure as hell ready to

ive pretty much accepted the fact that I will be alone forever. I have a speech impediment that makes me sound absolutely retarded, so people just make fun of me the second I try to talk anyway. I like being alone and I enjoy playing video games. I dont drink or do drugs.

Same here except I'm 28 and daughter is 4.... child support up the ass, I drink too much although I still get my daughter every Sunday so I'm always sober that day. Her mum is a feminist cunt

Lol high horse?

You talk shit about trump as if he has no skill. Bring up a point that is mathematically flawed (not taking into account the first $499mm he made) and then want to call me an elitist. Just keep you mouth shut, and enjoy the ass Fucking with the rest of the middle class Americans

I just kept getting institutionalized, jail, homeless, or NEET (basically). I finally decided to make it with 1500$ from homelessness, cast myself in2. Failed, but rents took me back in. Year and a half l8r theyre paying for me to ylyl jp go to cc in a different town

guys is it really helps visalize yourself in some position youd like and working towards it? i hear this shit all the time and its so unreal. id like to be a mx racer





Oh hey, you used to be me

Dropped out of uni to become a licensed optician, since I'd worked with glasses a few years and knew some of the ins and outs of the trade. Still got my degree part time, but had an income more than $20,000 a year, which was real nice. $38,000, actually. Not much, but it's a fortune compared to my NEET days.
still live with the rents, but I actually pay into the household upkeep, and get to pay down my student debt.
Short story, aim low. You don't have to make a lot to make a secure income, and security is really the big thing. A little bit of money goes a long way in ones life. So, yeah, drop out, grab a quick two year diploma that'll get your foot in the door at somewhere slightly nicer.

Britfag military here. We're all pricks. Don't join, it's shit, just full of people wishing it would become how it used to be. It won't.

why not go to speech therapy.

I got it for free in 6th grade through public schools in the US, pretty bad lateral speech impediment, I talk so much it fucking annoys people, surely you could pay for something better if you care that much.

>27 years old
>top 10 law school drop out
>80000 in student debt
>work at pizza hut
>no friends, gf
>no parents (kicked out)

>me 21
>Live with parents
>only worked short term manual labor jobs
>not in college
>dream of being a successful fantasy writer
>feels like I'm going nowhere
>mountain lion tracks about a hundred feet from house about a week ago
>walk in that area every day since
>don't really care if I get mauled by it or not
>probably moved on
>tfw no mountain lion
>coming up on anniversary of dog of 11 years death
>Dad shot him in the head because he had cancer and lost his ability to walk
>I held him until his heart stopped beating
>Never got over it
>also virgin
>no friends even remotely close to my age
>moved several times while growing up and purposefully lost contact with everyone I knew because I have no confidence in myself
>Going to dinner party with family tomorrow
>family friends who have dog that I refer to as my girl friend
>makes me happier than any actual girlfriend I've had
>Another family friend, 50 y/o milf with recently deceased abusive husband, will be there
>bipolar artist who must have discovered the fountain of youth
>masturbated twice today thinking about her
>she thinks I'm smart, charming, fun to talk to and said she "pictures me surrounded by girls"
>might be able to take advantage of the situation if I wasn't a fucking failure but...
>no car
>no money
>live with parents
>"the trifecta"
>will probably just stare at her ass every chance I get and play with Daisy(my gf)
>"everything will be alright" are words that often play in my head, but it's hard to believe them sometimes

I made a couple of key mistakes in middle and high school that led to me not having the necessary tools to succeed in the current world. My parents are self-employed, so they're very supportive of my aspiration to be a writer, but I'm sure life would be easier if they just gave me an ultimatum rather than nursing me along. But I do the yard work and help with their business whenever they ask, so it makes me feel like less of a leech.

I went from 2nd grade until I graduated, and then went to a hospital after that when I was out of school, nothing helped. My speech was too fucked up to be helped

My geodes

He has skill as a marketer, I never said he wasn't skilled. But his dad made all the money. That one million dollar loan is bill shit. His inheritance was way more than that. If you think he would have been where he is today if it weren't for his dad, then you are going to really have to bring convince me you aren't brainwashed or brain dead

>student with credit card debt

>be 20
>live in a 2 bedroom apartment with mom and 2 little brothers, sleep on the couch
>work at subway
>9 fucking dollars an hour
>only 35-39 hours a week
>don't even have a car
>take every chance I can to get down to the city where my uncle lives, so I can fuck mexican sluts and drink the failure away
>always tell me self tomorrow, I'll find a better job, find a girl to stay with, fix things
>tomorrow comes
>everyone thinks I'm cool, that I'm always happy, etc.
>completely fucked in the head, constantly depressed
>not fucked enough to anhero
>find new distractions every day to keep be from moving ahead in life

I'm completely fucked OP, but it's all good. Stick in there, you never know.

Wish i had it in me to manslut

You mince cunt he was making a joke.

Just stop.
>still live with parents
if you're serious about school I think this one's fine. worry about housing after you graduate
>struggle to get girls I like
so does everyone
>working shit job for shit pay
ask for a raise if you think you deserve one. your primary focus should be school anyways
>debt up the ass
sucks. pay it off. it takes a while
>do dumb stuff when I drink
stop drinking so much
>can't commit
yes you can. even thinking that is bullshit. have a little discipline for fuck's sake
>out of shape
work out
>bitter and unhappy
see a therapist if you can't change your own world view
enough of your 'woe is me' bullshit. everyone's got problems. the best way to solve them is probably the first way you think of. shit isn't complicated. you've just got to start

"If you think he would have been where he is today if it weren't for his dad"

Well no shit.. He would be without what his dad gave him, plus the interest and profit generated from that money. And obviously his dad didn't make all the money, if he only had 500mm in 1982 and now is worth multi billions of dollars. You don't have to like trump, but you can't knock his business acumen